

Gettys, Cynthia; Williams, Ruth; Wilder, Tron; Laughlin, Faith


With an ever-diversifying population, open-mindedness regarding an individual’s values and beliefs is important, especially for counselors. This study hypothesized that creativity could be a means to increase one’s open-mindedness. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, this study examined the impact of a creative task on participants’ open-mindedness. Additionally, a correlation was sought between open-mindedness and the Big Five personality trait of Openness to Experience as well as a comparison between participants studying for careers in the helping professions (counselors, psychologists, and social workers) and all other participants. Two hundred and forty-four students at a small, private university participated. Results found no significant difference in open-mindedness scores between those completing a creative task and a control group. Evidence from the study also suggests that open-mindedness and Openness to Experience are distinct traits. Finally, those studying for the helping professions scored significantly higher in open-mindedness, but not in Openness to Experience, compared with all other participants. Questions and possible implications for both counseling programs and the counseling profession are discussed.
