Numerous research studies have demonstrated an exodus of emerging adults from churches throughout Christian denominations. This study examines why millennials in the Seventh-day Adventist Church connect with or disconnect with both the denomination as a whole and with local churches. Through a two-phased mixed methodology approach, researchers conducted interviews with self-selected focus groups of recent Adventist college graduates, developed an inductively generated survey instrument, and then electronically distributed the survey to recent Adventist college graduates through email. The results demonstrated eight themes that require further discussion. Overall, there are more millennials connected to the Adventist church than previously anticipated, and even many who appear to have disconnected from the Adventist church remain connected in a variety of nontraditional ways.
Submissions from 2018
Adventist Connection Study Questionnaire with Results, Douglas Jacobs
Community Table, Naomi Klingbeil
Identity Table, Naomi Klingbeil
Orthodoxy Table, Naomi Klingbeil
Orthopraxy Table, Naomi Klingbeil