The Age of David and Solomon: Myth or Reality; William G. Dever, PhD; April 14, 2007
Until recently, archaeologists in Israel had firmly maintained the existence of the Israelite kings, David and Solomon, as true monarchs in the Near-Eastern world. However, the rise of postmodern biblical scholarship has challenged this conclusion. Some scholars have gone so far as to claim that David and Solomon were mythical figures that did not exist. In this presentation, William Dever presents the archaeological evidence for the existence of the United Monarchy.
William Dever (PhD 1966, Harvard University) has been the director of the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem and the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology at the Hebrew Union College. He is best known at Southern Adventist University for placing on campus the artifact collection housed in the Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum.
Publication Date
Collegedale, Tennessee
Archaeology, Lecture Series
History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology
Recommended Citation
Dever, William G. and Southern Adventist University, "The Age of David and Solomon: Myth or Reality; William G. Dever, PhD; April 14, 2007" (2007). Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum Lecture Series. 3.