Is Hebrew the Language of the World's Oldest Alphabet?
Dr. Petrovich identifies the man on the donkey as Manasseh, because the name of this individual according to Petrovich, is Hebeded, who identifies himself as an Asiatic, not an Egyptian, even though the writing is in Middle Egyptian. The name Hebeded means "he who was disfavored." He further explains that Manasseh's younger brother Ephraim was given the favor over Manasseh by his grandfather Jacob. Gen. 48: 14-20 Petrovich says this shows that Manasseh was disfavored. Now the young man leading the donkey is Shechem, the son of Manasseh. Petrovich translates the caption on this stela as reading “Six Levantines: Hebrews of Bethel, the Beloved.” Petrovich explains the word Levantines refers to people of the Levant, and Bethel was the place of home Jacob and his descendants.
Presenter: Douglas Petrovich serves The Bible Seminary as Professor of Biblical History and Exegesis in Katy, Texas. He is married with 3 adult children. He has a Ph.D. (major: Syro-Palestinian archaeology; 1st minor: ancient Egyptian language; 2nd minor: ancient Near Eastern religions) and an M.A. (Syro-Palestinian archaeology) from the University of Toronto, a Th.M. (New Testament) and M.Div. from The Master's Seminary, a B.A. in (Evangelism) from Moody Bible Institute. Professor Petrovich has taught at Shepherd's Theological Seminary, Novosibirsk Biblical Theological Seminary, the University of Toronto's Scarborough campus, and has served in administrative roles at Shepherd's and NBTS since the late 90s.
Publication Date
Archaeology, Lecture Series
History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology
Recommended Citation
Petrovich, Douglas and Adventist University, Southern, "Is Hebrew the Language of the World's Oldest Alphabet?" (2020). Lynn H. Wood Archaeological Museum Lecture Series. 45.