Scott, Beth
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Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) support groups are vital to TBI survivors in the community and provide resources to family caregivers (FCs) to mitigate caregiver burden. Resiliency is a necessary characteristic to cope with chronic diseases and the demands of caregiving. However, a gap exists in how TBI support groups mitigate family stress and empower coping and resiliency for the TBI survivor and FCs. Method: The quality improvement project assessed TBI survivors' and FCs' coping and resiliency before and after an educational module on coping, resiliency, and self-care strategies. Intervention: A quality improvement project in a support group of (n=13) TBI survivors and FCs to assess coping and resiliency with pre and post-surveys utilizing Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 (CD- RISC 10) © after an educational intervention on self-care, coping, and resiliency. Results: All the FCs scored in the lowest 25% (0-29), indicating difficulty bouncing back from adversity. A significant increase (five) in post-intervention scores was seen in the TBI survivor compared to the FCs scores (M = 23.40, SD = 0.89, n = 5) when compared to the TBI survivors' total scores (M = 32.14, SD = 3.37, n = 8), z = -2.02, p = .043, with a small effect size, r = -0.42. Conclusion: The FCs' low scores may indicate caregiver burden, some TBI survivors and all FCs' scores may indicate other factors for further investigation.
Key Words: TBI, Traumatic brain injury, family caregiver, caregiver burden, patient teaching, patient education, informal caregiver, preparedness, coping, resiliency, support groups
Recommended Citation
Angall-Leonce, Marcelle, "A DNP Quality Improvement Project to Assess the Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor and their Family Caregivers' Coping and Resiliency" (2023). DNP Research Projects. 47.