The Journal of The Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning (JBFFL) has been established to share scholarly papers building an intentional Adventist biblical foundation within courses offered on Seventh-day Adventist college and university campuses.
Current Issue: Volume 3, Issue 1 (2018)
How the Naturalistic and Biblical Worldviews Affect How We Do Science
Kenneth E. Caviness, Ph.D.
Teaching Christian Biblical Concepts in the Classroom Using an Enhanced Devotional Lecture
Michael Dant M.Sc
Professional Development for the NOW Generation
Pegi Flynt Ph.D.
The Accounting Equation and Redemption
H. Robert Gadd Ph.D.
A Biblical Model for Professional Development to Transform Teaching Practices
Cynthia Gettys Ph.D. and Elaine Plemons
Lessons from the Divine Investigator in Genesis
Brent Hamstra, Ph.D.
Though the Heavens Fall
Greg A. King Ph.D.
Neurophysiological Benefits of Worship
Michael Liedke D.N.P.
A Biblical Foundation to Discover God's Circle of Calling for Your Life
W. Rick Norskov M.D.
On Being a Neighbor In the Context of Teaching Excellence and Biblical Foundations
Adrienne J. Royo Ph.D.
Receptivity as the Core of Biblical Decision Making
Stephanie Sheehan M.A.
Biblical Concepts of Restoration as a Foundation for Lifestyle Change
Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.