
Article Title

A Biblical Model for Professional Development to Transform Teaching Practices


In the past, professors have always taught as they were taught, but this needs to change, Why? Due to the fact that the majority of professors completed their graduate degrees in a non-Adventist institution of higher learning. So if they teach like they are taught, they won’t be teaching from an Adventist Christian worldview. In addition, the changing student demographics along with the infusion of technology into our daily lives is providing the tools and an opportunity for professors to teach differently than they were taught. Three main changes professors are facing today include: the professorate expectations, a different student body, and the changing nature of teaching. Each of these factors alone would encourage change, but added together they will require change.

How will this happen and who will help professors make this transformational change which will lead to increased learning? This paper will describe a need for professional development specifically developed to meet the needs of professors hired to teach in Adventist Christian Institutions of Higher Learning, a model intentionally developed on a biblical foundation. These professional development activities must include opportunities for professors to learn how to develop their own courses on a biblical foundation with an emphasis on the Adventist Christian worldview.

This professional development model for use in Adventist Christian Institutions of Higher Education will build professional development opportunities on Psalm 25:4-5, “Show me your ways (model), O Lord; teach me in your paths (teach). Guide me in your truth (mentor) and teach me. For you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you (reflect). This text highlights: model, teach, mentor, and reflect, research based best practices for professional development (McQuiggan, 2012). These professional development strategies will also reflect Jesus as the master developer of people.