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The university classroom has greatly evolved from a simple syllabus and class meeting times to online documentation and virtual classrooms. These developments have changed the way students review their grades and balance their workloads. With the plethora of new technologies, students are often burdened with a full school schedule, work and social events, with few tools to help them effectively understand their grades or manage their time. Moodle did not present data organized in a way that allowed students to easily comprehend their past performance or up coming work load. GradeUp v1 added a plugin to Moodle 2.x to visualize progress-specific information that is comprehensible at a glance. Rebuilding GradeUp in v2 restores students' access to this information in Moodle 3.x.

GradeUp v2 provides visualizations so that students can answer the following questions: 1) What have I completed, and what do I have left to complete? 2) What is my current grade and projected grade at my current pace? 3) Given what I’ve done so far what is the best possible grade I could get if I ace the remaining work? 4) What if I stopped now, what would my grade be? 5) How am I doing compared to the average in this class? 6) If I got a particular grade(s) on a specific assignment(s) how would that change the answers to the preceding questions? 7) Where is the work left concentrated in the temporal domain? 8) When should I start working on the items left to complete in my course(s)?
