"What Is Storyboarding and How Can It Help Me FLIP My Class?" by Sarah Egan Warren



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Today I'm going to be talking to you about storyboarding. Maybe that's something you've not heard about before, maybe you're familiar with it, but haven't ever associated it with making videos for your Flipped class, but I want to make that connection for you today and help you see how focusing on your story, creating an effective storyboard is going to help you make those better videos.

Sarah Egan Warren is a Flip It Associate and the Education & Training Director of Reify Media, LLC, a Raleigh-based online media company. Sarah also serves as the Assistant Director for the Professional Writing Program at NC State University. Her dedication to student-centered learning inspires her to keep up to date on instructional technology and trends. A dynamic and versatile teacher, speaker, and advisor, Sarah combines her experiences inside and outside the classroom to provide clear, concise, and comprehensive workshops, presentations, lectures, and learning resources.

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What Is Storyboarding and How Can It Help Me FLIP My Class?
