"The Effectiveness of a Far Lateral L5-S1 Microdiscectomy in Pain Reduc" by Jamie Griffin, Scott D. Hodges et al.

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Diagnosis of far lateral disc herniations has become more common in recent years. This study describes the surgical procedure used for L5-S1 far lateral disc herniations, shows the benefits derived from a far lateral approach and retrospectively evaluates the outcome of the surgery. Eight patients were included in the study, five females and three males. The mean age was 62 years (range, 45-77 years). VAS pain scale, OSW index and SF-36 forms were used to evaluate the surgical outcome. Both the VAS pain scale and OSW index were improved postoperatively. The SF-36 scores were significantly lower (p<0.05) for the far lateral patients compared to both the low back pain population and the U.S. aged 55-64 year population.

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