"Reaching Across Campus to Collaborate with Colleagues in an Emergency " by Ronda Christman and Gary Bradley

Document Type

Presentation - Oral - to academic peers, less than or equal to 1 hour

Reaching Across Campus to Collaborate with Colleagues in an Emergency Preparedness Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (EP-IPCP) Simulation



Date of Activity

Winter 4-11-2024


In life, our students will be working and interacting with various peoples, roles, and disciplines. As educators, it is imperative that we provide our students with opportunities to prepare for whatever disasters they may experience in life. As educators we can role model and enrich our education by collaborating with our colleagues across campus. Come and learn how Southern collaborated, created and implemented their emergency preparedness interprofessional collaborative practice (EP-IPCP) simulation with schools of education, nursing, social work, religion, and journalism.

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