"Evaluation of a Workshop to Improve Professional Transitions Among Nur" by Andrew Richards

Document Type

Presentation - Oral - to academic peers, less than or equal to 1 hour



Date of Activity

Fall 10-18-2024


New nurses and nurses experiencing a professional transition often regress through Benner's novice to expert stages and are at risk for transition shock and crisis (Murray et al., 2019). New graduate nurses experience challenges adjusting to their new roles, but educational and organizational factors can help provide support during this time of transition (Baharum et al., 2023). Simulation experiences can enhance students' confidence and help prepare them for practice (Woods et al., 2015). Situational and personal factors influence the professional development and retention of new nurses (Laschinger et al., 2016). Many new nurses struggle with adjusting to the profession and suffer exhaustion and stress (Liang et al., 2018). Lack of support and preparation can negatively impact the transition process (Kumaran & Carney, 2014). Previous studies identified interventions that eased the transition process and had a positive impact on satisfaction and retention (Hampton et al., 2020; Kaihlanen et al., 2019). Marcdante et al. (2020) provided guidance to individuals as they experienced a role transition from undergraduate student to medical student to resident to physician. A workshop was developed based on Schlossberg's theory of adult transition to help support nurses during a time of professional transition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a workshop to prepare undergraduate nursing students, graduate nursing students, and professional nurses for an upcoming professional transition. A one-hour workshop was developed and delivered to three audiences: undergraduate students, doctor of nursing practice students, and attendees at professional conferences. During the workshop, attendees completed the professional transition blueprint. Attendees were invited to complete a short survey at the conclusion of the workshop. The participants reported overall satisfaction with the workshop as well as a significant decrease in anxiety and stress at the conclusion of the workshop. This workshop was an effective strategy to help individuals prepare for a professional transition. A significant limitation was the low response rate (30%) and total number of completed survey responses received (n = 68). Nurse educators and leaders can use a similar workshop to help nursing students and nurses prepare for a professional transition. Attendance at a professional transition workshop and completion of a professional transition blueprint may help reduce transition shock and attrition. References Baharum, H., Ismail, A., McKenna, L., Mohamed, Z., Ibrahim, R., & Hassan, N. H. (2023). Success factors in adaptation of newly graduated nurses: A scoping review. BMC Nursing, 22, 125. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-023-01300-1 Hampton, K. B., Smeltzer, S. C., & Gunberg Ross, J. (2020). Evaluating the transition from nursing student to practicing nurse: An integrative review. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 551-559. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2020.08.002 Kaihlanen, A-M., Salminen, L., Flinkman, M., & Haavisto, E. (2019). Newly graduated nurses’ perceptions of a final clinical practicum facilitating transition: A qualitative descriptive study. Collegian, 26(1), 55-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2018.03.003 Kumaran, S., & Carney, M. (2014). Role transition from student nurse to staff nurse: Facilitating the transition period. Nurse Education in Practice, 14(6), 605-611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2014.06.002 Laschinger, H. K. S., Cummings, G., Leiter, M., Wong, C., MacPhee, M., Ritchie, J., Wolff, A., Regan, S., Rhéaume-Brüning, A., Jeffs, L., Young-Ritchie, C., Grinspun, D., Gurnham, M. E., Foster, B., Huckstep, S., Ruffolo, M., Shamian, J., Burkoski, V., Wood, K., & Read, E. (2016). Starting out: A time-lagged study of new graduate nurses’ transition to practice. International Journal of Nursing Science, 57, 82-95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.01.005 Liang, H-F., Lin, C-C., Wu, K-M. (2016). Breaking through the dilemma of whether to continue nursing: Newly graduated nurses’ experiences of work challenges. Nurse Education Today, 67, 72-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.04.025 Marcdante, K., Knox, K., & Amidon, M. (2020). Preparing for the Transition to Your Next Career Role. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 12(1),109-110. https://doi.org/10.4300/JGME-D-19-00903.1 Murray, M., Sundin, D., & Cope, V. (2019). Benner’s model and Duchscher’s theory: Providing the framework for understanding new graduate nurses’ transition to practice. Nurse Education in Practice, 34, 199-203. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2018.12.003 Woods, C., West, C., Mills, J., Park, T., Southern, J., & Usher, K. (2015). Undergraduate student nurses’ self-reported preparedness for practice. Collegian, 22(4), 359-368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2014.05.003

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