Achieve is a database supported by Academic Administration for storing and viewing Southern Adventist University faculty projects, publications, and presentations. For questions or comments, please contact Academic Administration. Items in this repository are citation only. Select materials are posted in full-text in the corresponding department's Faculty Works community.


Submissions from 2001

Taking Control of Your Time, Judson Lake

How to Move into a Church Plant without Killing It, Doug Tilstra

Submissions from 2000

Direct Transformation of 1,3-Dihalides into Dithianes and Dithiepines via a Novel One-Pot Reaction with Carbon Disulfide and Sodium Borohydride, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D., Yongqin Wan, A. N. Kurchan, and Andrei G. Kutateladze Ph.D.

Efficient Electrochemical Deprotection of Carboxylic and Amino Acids from Their 2-(Hydroxymethyl)-1,3-dithiane (Dim) Esters, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D., Yongqin Wan, and Andrei G. Kutateladze Ph.D.

Molecular Assembly and Disassembly: Novel Photolabile Molecular Hosts, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D., Wan Yongqin, Oleg Mitkin, Alexei Kurchan, and Andrei G. Kutateladze Ph.D.

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities of High Velocity Magnetized Shear Layers with Generalized Polytrope Laws, Kevin G. Brown and S. Roy Choudhury

Let your customers do the talking, Michael E. Cafferky

Technical illustrations for The Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Architecture, Michael G. Hasel

Divine Commitment and Human Obligation: Selected Writings of David Noel Freedman, Michael G. Hasel

Door, Michael G. Hasel

Hesed & Emet: Studies in Honor of Ernest S. Frerichs, Brown Judaic Studies 320, Michael G. Hasel

House, Michael G. Hasel

The Archaeology of Destruction: Methodological Desiderata, Michael G. Hasel

The Egyptian Name Equation in New Kingdom Texts: Country, Territory, or People?, Michael G. Hasel

The Merenptah Stela and Recent Research, Michael G. Hasel

The Name Israel: The Perspective from Egyptian New Kingdom Texts, Michael G. Hasel

Threshold, Michael G. Hasel

The Hebrew Term in Gen 2,6 and Its Connection in Ancient Near Eastern Literature, Michael G. Hasel and Gerhard F. Hasel

Turning the World Upside Down, Carlos Martin

Witnessing: Turning the World Upside Down., Carlos Martin

Submissions from 1999

Photooxidation of Methyldithiepins into Dithiepin Carboxaldehydes in Carbon Tetrachloride, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D., Yongqin Wan, and Andrei G. Kutateladze Ph.D.

Reactions of Nitrosonium Ethyl Sulfate with Olefins and Dienes: An Experimental and Theoretical Study, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D., N. V. Zyk, E. E. Nesterov, A. N. Khlobystov, N. S. Zefirov, and A. G. Kutateladze

Venda de boca a boca: Deixe seus clientes fazerem a propaganda., Michael E. Cafferky

Too Hot to Hold: The Failure of the Catholic Missionary Efforts under James II, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Reducing the Storage Requirements of Constraint Dataflow Graphs, Richard L. Halterman and Bradley T. Vander Zanden

Effects of Oxygen Dosing on Ca Cluster Yields and Energy Distributions, Chris S. Hansen, W. F. Calaway, M. J. Pellin, B. V. King, and A. Wucher

Archaeology and the Old Testament, Michael G. Hasel

Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to early Tenth Centuries B.C.E, Michael G. Hasel

Constructing Useful Use Cases, Timothy Korson

NEWSTART: A Pastoral Perspective, Carlos Martin

Submissions from 1998

Who's talking, Michael E. Cafferky

Self-Destruction: The Failure of the Catholic Missionary Effort under James II, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Using Model Dataflow Graphs to Reduce the Storage Requirements of Constraints, Richard L. Halterman and Bradley T. Vander Zanden

Energy and Yield Distributions of Calcium Atoms and Clusters undergoing 4 keV Ar+ Bombardment, Chris S. Hansen, W. F. Calaway, B. V. King, and M. J. Pellin

Pottery and artifact technical illustrations for, Seymour Gitin in Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE, Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

A Textual and Iconographic Note on and in Egyptian Military Accounts, Michael G. Hasel

Burial Patterns and Early Bronze IV Social Structure in the Southern Levant: An Ethnoarchaeological Study, Michael G. Hasel

Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant, 1300-1185 B.C, Michael G. Hasel

New Discoveries Among the Philistines: Archaeological and Textual Considerations, Michael G. Hasel

New Discoveries Among the Philistines: Archaeological and Textual Considerations, Michael G. Hasel

Configuring A Use Case Process, Timothy Korson

The Misuse of Use Cases, Timothy Korson

What Constitutes Acceptable Contextualization, Carlos Martin

Submissions from 1997

Biblical Principles for Choosing Literature, Rachel Byrd

John Foxe as Legal Reformer: Recommendations for Change in Law and Courts, Rachel Byrd

Thomas Bilney, Repentance, Salvation, Rachel Byrd

11 ways to ask for referrals., Michael E. Cafferky

12 Marketing Principles: Word of mouth guidelines that always work, Michael E. Cafferky

Three-Color Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy of Zr in Si, Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1996, Chris S. Hansen, W. F. Calaway, and M. J. Pellin

Sputtering Products of Sodium Sulfate: Implications for Io's Surface and for Sodium-Bearing Molecules in the Io Torus, Chris S. Hansen, R. Wiens, D. S. Burnett, W. F. Calaway, K. R. Lykke, and M. J. Pellin

. An Introduction to Biblical Archaeology. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series 172., Michael G. Hasel

Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant During the Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition: Retrospect and Prospect, Michael G. Hasel

Fortunate the Eyes that See: Essays in Honor of David Noel Freedman in Celebration of His Seventieth Birthday, Michael G. Hasel

Living on the Fringe: The Archaeology and History of the Negev, Sinai and Neighboring Regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages, Michael G. Hasel

The Campaign of Seti I to Beth Shan: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Michael G. Hasel

Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament, vol. 7., Michael G. Hasel

Are you Neglecting an Important Asset?, Timothy Korson

Vision 2000, Timothy Korson

Encountering God in Scripture, Judson Lake

Evangelism in a Non-Christian Culture, Carlos Martin

Lessons from Evangelism in Taiwan, Carlos Martin

Submissions from 1996

Let your customers do the talking, Michael E. Cafferky

Isotopically selective atom counting using photon burst detection, Chris S. Hansen, R. D. LaBelle, M. M. Mankowski, and W. M. Fairbank Jr.

Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant During the Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition, Michael G. Hasel

Egyptian Interaction with Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition., Michael G. Hasel

Hesban After 25 Years, Michael G. Hasel

Israel in Egypt: Reading Exodus 1-2. Journal for the Society of the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series 135, Michael G. Hasel

La ubicacion de la Tecoa de la poca de Hierro y los Estudios de Amos, Michael G. Hasel

Encountering God in Scripture, Judson Lake

Managing Time Well, Judson Lake

Submissions from 1995

Genesis, Dominion, and Ethics: A Critical Analysis of Ethics Based on the Concept of Dominion in Genesis 1:26-28, Stephen Bauer

Patients build your practice., Michael E. Cafferky

The law of word of mouth, Michael E. Cafferky

Fundamentals of Programming: An Introduction to Computer Programming using C++, Richard L. Halterman

Photon burst mass spectrometry--ultrasensitive detection of rare isotopes, Chris S. Hansen, H. Oona, E. P. Chamberlin, N. S. Nogar, B. L. Fearey, X. J. Pan, and W. M. Fairbank Jr.

in the Merneptah Stela, Michael G. Hasel

The Archaeology of Ancient Israel, Michael G. Hasel

Submissions from 1994

Audience development: Talking them into their seats., Michael E. Cafferky

Word of mouth really works., Michael E. Cafferky

Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at the Dawn of History, Michael G. Hasel

In Search of 'Ancient Israel.', Michael G. Hasel

Reclaiming the Prophetic Mantle, Michael G. Hasel

The Architecture of Ancient Israel From the Prehistoric to the Persian Periods, Michael G. Hasel

Time Management in the Ministry: A Study of the Charles R. Hobbs Time Power System and Its Application to the Ministry, Judson Lake

El patriarcado y la inevitable subyugación femenina en Los pazos de Ulloa, Carlos Parra

Submissions from 1993

Build enrollment by word of mouth., Michael E. Cafferky

In the Merneptah Stela: An Evaluation of Current Interpretations as they Relate to the Origin of Ancient Israel, Michael G. Hasel

Submissions from 1992

The backbone of word of mouth marketing., Michael E. Cafferky

Me todos Nuevos para Tiempos Nuevos [New Methods for New Times], Carlos Martin

Submissions from 1991

Specific Models for Introducing Christianity, Carlos Martin

Strategies for Introducing Christianity, Carlos Martin

Submissions from 1990

The Change in Prophetic Interpretation and Views in Protestantism from 1500-1900 with a Special Emphasis on Lutheranism, Stephen Bauer

Submissions from 1987

Un Ministerio Compartido [A Shared Ministry], Carlos Martin

Submissions from 1985

Book review of Making Health Decisions, by Thomas M. Vogt., Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 1984

Autobiography in health promotion: Integrating the whole person,, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 1983

Book review of Psychic Healing for Ministry Magazine, Michael E. Cafferky

Do mention it, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 1982

The psychosocial dynamics of smoking cessation, Michael E. Cafferky

Whole health education: The religious worker's role, Michael E. Cafferky