Submissions from 2024
Does Intimate Partner Violence Affect a Child's Developing Brain, Betsy Calloway
Maternal Health Disparities: The Plight of the Black and Brown Woman, Melantha Cash
Understanding the Impact of Asthma and RSV, Jasmine Celeste
Cycle Synced Fitness: The Impact of Menstrual Cycle Phases on Women's Exercise Performance and Health, Sabrina Galindo
What are the Key Factors Influencing the Successful Integration of AI in Healthcare?, Gabe Herman
The Magic of Mentoring, Allessandra Vitrano
Hypothyroid: New Insights on an Old Disease, Sara Ward
Submissions from 2023
Work-Life Balance: Combating Nurse Practitioner Burnout and Primary Care Provider Shortages Utilizing Telehealth, Jennifer O'Dell
The Vaping Epidemic Among the Adolescent Population, Miranda O'Dell
HPV Vaccine Hesitancy in the Adolescent Population, Angela Parrish
Novice Advanced Practice Nurses and the Delivery of Unsatisfactory Health News, Jenny F. Schulte
Submissions from 2022
Associations Between ADHD and Comorbid Disorders in Adolescents and Adults, Sherri Beatty
The Rhythm of Your Life: The Effects of Daily Routine on Mental Health, Kristen Brown
ADHD Symptomatology and Social Media Overuse, Hannah Cassetty
Does Tight Glycemic Control Slow the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease?, Elani Dodd
Type 1 Diabetes Treatment Regimens: Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSH) vs Multiple Daily Injections (MDI), Megan Felts
PTSD in Covid-19 Frontline Workers, Samantha Gagliano
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease, Evan Gagnon
Nature Effects on Stress, Jaclyn Griffith
Childhood Trauma and Chronic Disease, Breanna Urena
Submissions from 2017
Sex Trafficking: A Toolbox for APN's, Nissa Berbawy
Assessing the Effect of Aromatherapy on Fundamental Nursing Student Cognitive Test Anxiety: A Mixed Methods Approach., Regina Lankford
Submissions from 2016
Just Culture: Improve Reporting of Near Misses and Errors in the Clinical Experience, Sharon Hart
Cinnamon in the Treatment of Type II Diabetes, Pauline J. Maddox
Submissions from 2015
Effectiveness of Two Various Types of School-based Instruction Methods in Relation to BMI, Physical Activity, and Nutrition Outcomes, Sherri Bakland and Elizabeth Moore-Jones
The Effect of Touch: Bringing Touch Back to the Bedside, Jateum M. Blackburn
Use of Breastfeeding Support Interventions to Overcome Barriers: A Review of the Literature, Jennifer Booth
Masking Tuberculosis Patients, James Bowen and Austin Greenwood
Effectiveness of an Observation Unit and Transition Team on Length of Stay: Before and After Study, Charinette Guerrero, John Rogers, and Barratt Schichtel
Stevens Johnson Syndrome: How Diagnosis Impacts Disease Course, Sharon K. Hart and Dawn Frerichs
Optimizing Antiplatelet Therapy in ACS after PCI, Mary Beth Johnson
The Effects of Long-Term Use of Stimulant Medication for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Melissa M. Jones
Sweet Slumber: A Case for Melatonin as a Sleep Aid, Destiny L. Morris
Coping with Traumatic Events in the Emergency Department, Amy L. Quinn and Tricia Davis
Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 and the Young Adult, S. K. Reid
Submissions from 2014
Older Adult Perceptions of The ASSIST Program, Joy Anthony
Safety and Efficacy Study of Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy Using Xoft at the Time of Breast Conservation Surgery for Early Stage Breast Cancer, Donita Blanken-Little
Advanced Practice Nurses in Transitional Care: A Source to the Solution, Holly Bottoms
The Effects of Whole-Food Plant Based Diets on LDL-C levels in Adults, Jason Bryan
Inflammation and its Role in Our Health: Can a Plant-Based Diet Prevent Disease?, Leeanne Coffman
Barriers to Immunizations, Megan England
Financial and Regulatory Considerations for a Nurse Owned Medical Clinic, Bruce Fox and Paula O'Bear
Staple Line Reinforcement for Thoracic Surgery: A Retrospective Study of Memorial Thoracic Patients from 2009-2012, Kimberly Fugate
Effects of Mindfulness Practices on Perceived Stress Levels, Kendall Ginn
The Effects of a Plant Based Diet on the Cholesterol Profile in Young Adults, Terriest Haire
Stress and Health Behaviors: ZOE Transformation Challenge Findings, Jeana Handley
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Education, Awareness, and Support, Amy Knapp
Processed Sugars and Coronary Heart Disease, Sonya Lovingood
The Human Microbiome: The Brain-Gut Axis and its Role in Immunity, Vanessa Moser
Does Driver Safety Education have an Impact on Texting While Driving?, Kelli Noble and Duane Young
Got Milk? Human Milk Components and the Benefits of Breast Feeding, Amber Provenzano
Mentoring an ESL Student through a Nursing Program: A Case Study, Rebecca Retzer
Nurse Practitioner Education: Exposure Therapy Options for Symptom Control in Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder Patients, Erynn Richardson
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: An Evidence-Based Review for the Family Nurse Practitioner, Kindra Romer
Alcohol Treatment in the Native American, Linda Turner
Heads Up: The Importance of Brain Rest After a Concussion A Paper Presented to Meet Partial Requirements, Kacie Wilkes
Submissions from 2013
Risk of Asthma Diagnosis Among Obese Children, Joshua C. Blair
Improving Metabolic Health in Adult, Premenopausal, Overweight Women Through Moderate Intensity Intermittent Exercise, Timothy Blair
Cardiovascular Disease in Women: The Differences in Genders, Kayla Sells Exum
Treatment for Acute Stroke: A Retrospective Study of Erlanger Stroke Patients from 2004-2012, Sarah Henson
Management of Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Coaching in Low Income Individuals, Enesa Kanjesic
Reducing Medication Administration Errors With Drug Dosage Simulation, Carla McKensie
The Risk Factors Associates with Obesity and Shift Work Among Female Nurses, Donna Robinson
Don’t Strike Out Too Early in the Game: The Nurse Practitioner’s Role in Preventing Youth Pitching Related Injuries, Jessica Sanders
Breast Cancer in Women Ages 18-35, Awareness, Risk Factors, Research, and Prevention: Are We Getting the Message Across?, Stephanie Sutton
Literature Review Of Early And Precocious Puberty In Girls, Denise R. Tate
Ventilator Weaning Protocols: Influencing Outcomes and Promoting Success, Nathan Woody
Submissions from 2012
Fitness is Fun Club: A Program to Combat Childhood Obesity, Donna Bearden
Japanse Assessment Class and Cultural Introduction, Beaver Eller
Financial and Regulatory Considerations for a Nurse Owned Medical Clinic, Bruce Fox and Paula O'Bear
Research Proposal -- Outpatient Chest Tube Management Following Thoracic Resection Improves Patient Length of Stay and Satisfaction Without Compromising Outcomes, Megan Fuller and Jeremy S. Smith
Is Hypertonic Saline Superior to Mannitol in Reducing Cerebral Edema?, Shana Hilson
Investigating Effective Methods of Pain Management in Emergency Department Clients with Chronic Pain, Tiana Lopez
Chattanooga Community Members Willingness to Use Retail Clinics: A Quantitative Approach, Yasmine M. Swistek and Casey M. Waddle
Submissions from 2011
Barriers & Incentives to Obtaining a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing, Tiffany Boring and Brianna Burnette
Follow-up Telephone Calls: A Comparative Study of Calls Made Three Days and Ninety Days Post Discharge and Their Effect on Patient Satisfaction and Patient Outcomes, Darrin Compton, Susan Lewis, and Diedre Suits
A Teaching Project for the Participants of the Benton Boys & Girls Club to Optimize Nutritional Health, Karen Milen
Submissions from 2010
Eating Disorder Assessment Handbook For School Nurses in Hamilton County Schools, Victoria A. Brumlow
Point of Origin and Mortality When an Elderly Person is Diagnosed with Sepsis, Monica Chamberlain
Nursing Turnover as Related to Patient Mortality, Melinda Helton, Zoila Leon, and Rhonda Simmons
Improving Caloric Intake and Nutrition for Elderly Dementia Patients by Modifying the Environment, TIffany Hobbs and Sheila Hutchens
A Comparison of the Wishes of Hospitalized Patients Regarding Prayer From Healthcare Professionals in Religious Based and Non Religious Based Healthcare Facilities, Jessica White and Tracy Polley
Submissions from 2008
Emergency Department Nurses' Experience Relating to Hospital Acquisition: A Phenomenological Study, Bernadette DePrez
Fifth Grader's Weight Status Perceptions, Alice Parker Hannifin
Critical Care Nurse Personality and Methods of Coping After a Critical Incident, Sandra Huggins
Submissions from 2007
Broselow Tape Education, Marchel Tinney
Submissions from 2006
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder And Civil War Reenactors, Kimberlee Bruce
Violence and Coping of Emergency Department Nurses, Sarah Fraser
Gender Differences in Diagnosis and Treatment in Acute Coronary Syndrome, LeAnn M. Love and Teresa Walker
The Impact of Quiet Time on the Sleep Quality of Cardiothoracic Surgery Patients, Kristina L. Nelson
Submissions from 2005
Disparity of Breast Cancer Survival in African American Women vs. Caucasians: Examination of Potential Origins, Mary Collier
Adult Suicide Attempts In Relationship to Life Experiences and Familial Tendencies, Laura S. Ford
Comparison of the Faces and Numeric Pain Scales for Use in Long-term Ventilator Patients with Chronic Pain, Diana Miller-Harvey
Hospital Epidemiological Surveillance During a Major Construction Project, Sherry Sexton
Submissions from 2004
The Relationship of Job Satisfaction and Selected Demographic Characteristics of Public Health Employees, Nettie Gerstle