Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 5-4-2016




The purpose of this review of literature is to evaluate the effects of cinnamon on hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) and fasting blood glucose/fasting plasma glucose (FBG/FPG) in various populations such as type II diabetes, prediabetics, metabolic syndrome, and overweight or obese individuals.

Research Design and Methods

A comprehensive literature review was done with the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) database using the keywords, cinnamon, type II diabetes, diabetes, HbA1c, and FBS. References used in previous meta-analysis were also searched and reviewed for inclusion. Studies were included in this review if they evaluated cinnamon effects on HbA1c and/or FBS/FPG. A total of 15 trials were incorporated in this literature review, 10 studied cinnamon’s effect on HbA1c levels and 13 studied cinnamon’s effect on the FBG.


Six trials showed significant reductions in the HbA1c levels and 10 trials showed significant reductions in the FBG.


Based on this review of literature, cinnamon can be recommended as effective therapy for reducing HbA1c levels and FBG levels in type II diabetics. To reduce FBG and HbA1c levels, cinnamon can be dosed at 1 g to 6 g daily with meals (i.e. one to four 500 mg tablets BID or TID with meals).
