Volume 1, Issue 1 (2016) JBFFL
History Highlights the Fundamental Limitations of Science
Kenneth E. Caviness, Ph.D.
The Great Controversy Paradigm for History: Scholarship and Teaching
Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.
A Narrative of Kingdom Culture
Verlyne Starr, M.A.
Teaching Art History from a Biblical Foundation:Art History as a View into the Great Controversy
Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.
Gideon’s Fleece: A Biblical Narrative Providing a Framework for Discussion of Issues in the Relationship between Scientific Inquiry and Divine Revelation
Brent Hamstra, Ph.D.
Building Biblically Founded Faith and Values through a Campus-Wide Healthy Lifestyle Project
Holly Gadd, Ph.D. and Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.
The Biblical Foundation for Social Workers as “Shepherds” Who Care for God’s Flock
Lorri Merchant, M.S.W.
The Teaching Methods of Jesus
John W. McCoy, Ed.D.
Biblical Foundations for Nutrition and an Abundant Life
Elizabeth Snyder, M.A.
The Development of a Higher Education Biblical Foundation Course Design Model
Cynthia Gettys, Ph.D. and Elaine Plemons, M.A.
Biblical Foundations of Modern Social Work Values and Practice Competencies
Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, Ph.D., M.S.W and Mioara Diaconu, Ph.D., M.S.A., M.S.W.
Biblical Archaeology or Near Eastern Archaeology? Redefining the Discipline from a Biblical Foundation
Michael G. Hasel, Ph.D.
History, Egyptology, and the Bible: An Interdisciplinary Case Study from a Biblical Foundation
Michael G. Hasel, Ph.D.
The Purpose of Business: the Viewpoint of IMITATIO DEI (IMITATING GOD)
Michael E. Cafferky, D.B.A.