Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2-15-2018


Leadership in any area of vocation is widely recognized as a vital component of success. Coupled with this is the ability to work collaboratively with other individuals. This study focused on leadership qualities, mainly emotional intelligence, in third-grade students and whether those qualities affected their level of collaboration. The specific leadership qualities observed for this study were narrowed down to emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill) along with cognitive intelligence and confidence (Goleman, 2004). This exploratory mixed-method required the participants (23 third-grade students) to interact with their peers in a small group setting, with the goal of completing a set of tasks in a collaborative activity. The leaders of each group were identified prior to the activity, and the researchers carefully observed their level of collaboration and compared it to the qualities of leadership they exhibited. The observation notes of each area (collaboration and leadership qualities) were scored using an original rubric and compared. The results indicated that groups who contained a leader who was emotionally intelligent collaborated on a higher level, and had an increased number of positive interactions. Groups whose leaders lacked emotional intelligence, despite being successful with the activity, also lacked in collaboration.

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