"Help Win the War" by United States Government


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“Help Win the War ” was one of many posters issued during World War I to encourage support of the war. This poster promotes the buying of liberty bonds to help fund the war effort. Due to a law Congress passed, the government was permitted to petition people to buy bonds. Cumulatively, liberty bonds helped raise more than 17 billion dollars. Other effects of liberty bonds were that they helped civilians to support the war and participate in the effort. Bonds also helped Americans save rather than spend which helped control inflation. Liberty loans were bonds that the government sold so they could keep up with the expenses of war. These were sold back to the government after the war. While the artist and publisher are unknown, it is probable that the poster was circulated in either 1917 or 1918. This poster was most likely created and reproduced as a lithograph at the time of its distribution.


WWI, poster, Liberty Loans

