Raise More Poultry

Creation Date
“Raise More Poultry” was one of many posters issued during World War I to encourage support of the war. This poster advertised practical ways to farm chickens and eggs in an effort to feed the troops during World War I. The focus of this food delivery infrastructure changed when the U.S. entered the war in 1917. Although aid to allies continued, the primary concern became feeding American troops. A typical daily ration for a U.S. soldier during the Great War consisted of up to 5,000 calories made up from a pound or more of meat (bacon or fresh meat, rather than canned, when possible), 20 ounces of potatoes, and 18 ounces of bread (often produced in nearby field bakeries). This was about 20 percent more than the French or British could supply their men and considerably more than the Germans, especially in the final months of conflict (McCowan, 2019). This food often came straight from the homeland, and supply lines crossing the Atlantic were considered as important as the lines across Europe. The poster advertises, “Our meat supply is short and more poultry will help solve the problem. More poultry means more eggs and poultry meat means a greater food supply. Poultry can be raised at a lower cost and brought to maturity quicker than any other kind of live stock. - On Farms and Back Yards …. More Eggs and Poultry Will Save Beef and Pork.” This poster was commissioned by the U.S. Food Administration from an unknown photographer within the years of 1917-1919. This poster was most likely created and reproduced as a photomechanical print at the time of its distribution.