"Mining the Internet to Discover Learning Management Systems popularity" by Scot Anderson and Patricia Anderson

Document Type

Publication - Article

Mining the Internet to Discover Learning Management Systems popularity: Evaluating Who is on Top and Why



Date of Activity

Summer 2023


Our research reports new data on learning management system (LMS) popularity and gives an evaluation based on feature availability and ease of use of the four leading LMS platforms utilized in US higher education institutions: Canvas, Blackboard, D2L and Moodle. This research provides both the methods to mine market share and links to the data from our mining activities. The analysis breaks down possible reasons why we find such a strong front runner in Canvas. The research compares each feature of the four top LMS platforms and their ease of use. The aggregated data provides a usability score based on the presence of each feature and a ranking of the time it took an instructor to implement the feature. We also review the critical elements of Accessibility and Documentation.


Publication first made available 3/7/2024 at https://american-cse.org/csce2023-ieee/pdfs/CSCE2023-5LlpKs7cpb4k2UysbLCuOx/275900a816/275900a816.pdf.
