Achieve is a database supported by Academic Administration for storing and viewing Southern Adventist University faculty projects, publications, and presentations. For questions or comments, please contact Academic Administration. Items in this repository are citation only. Select materials are posted in full-text in the corresponding department's Faculty Works community.


Submissions from 2010

Center of Mass of a Polygon, Kenneth E. Caviness

God is Light: Equation or Metaphor?, Kenneth E. Caviness

Master Class Clinician, Peter Cooper

Participant in Richard Cass Tribute Concert, Peter Cooper

Performed with SAU Alumni Quartet, Peter Cooper

Duo-piano recital, Peter Cooper and Bruce Ashton

Chamber music recital, Peter Cooper and Stephen Framil

Chamber music recital, Peter Cooper and Stephen Framil

Soloist with Southern Adventist University Symphony Orchestra, Peter Cooper and Laurie Redmer Minner

Peter Cooper and Friends: Ein Schumann Abend: An Evening of Music by Robert Schumann, Peter Cooper, Julie Penner, Mark Reneau, Laurie Redmer Minner, and Jenny Wilkes

Weihnachtlicher Musikabend, Peter Cooper, Robert Schumann, and Julie Penner

Participant as soloist and accompanist in program A Night at the High Museum of Art, Peter Cooper and Jonathan Wall

.[They] taught me to fight: Experiencing violence in faith-based residential care, Linda Crumley

Immigrant Huguenots and the Formation of British Identity, c. 1685-1740, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Immigrants, Toleration, and the Formation of the Liberal Nation-State, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

I really didn't feel like it was made for me: participants accounts of the effectiveness of a faith-based residential treatment facility., Rene Drumm and Linda Crumley

The Narrative Paradigm and Evangelism in a Post Modern World, Lynelle Ellis

The Contribution of Khirbet Qeiyafa to our Understanding of the Iron Age Period, Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, and Michael G. Hasel

Washed Away, Zach Gray

The Impact of Justification by Faith to the Current Protestant and Catholic Relationship, Norman Gulley

Using system-on-a-programmable chip technology to design embedded systems, Tyson S. Hall

Probabilistic Location of a Populated Chessboard Using Computer Vision, Tyson S. Hall and J. E. Neufeld

Fundamentals of C++ Programming, Richard L. Halterman

Power and Communication in Intercultural Communication, Tara D. Hargrove

Area D: Excavations South of the Western Gate, Michael G. Hasel

How did two million or more Israelites cross the Read Sea in one night? Exodus 14:21, 22, Michael G. Hasel

Interpreting Scripture, vol. 2: Bible Questions and Answers, Michael G. Hasel

Is the new covenant in Jeremiah really new? Jeremiah 31:31-34., Michael G. Hasel

Was the prophecy against Tyre actually fulfilled? Ezekiel 26:3, 14, Michael G. Hasel

Where did Cain get his Wife? Genesis 4:17, Michael G. Hasel

Why did God order the Israelites to utterly destroy the Canaanite nations. including women and children. Deuteronomy 20:16,17, Michael G. Hasel

Population status of the chuck-will's-widow (Caprimulgus carolinensis) in the bahamas., William K. Hayes, Elwood D. Bracey, Melissa R. Price, Valerie A. Lee, Eric C.K. Gren, and Caroline Stahala

A Periodic System of Diatomic Molecules in the Symmetry of the Group Chain which includes SO(3)xSU(2)s,, Ray Hefferlin

Lecture given in behalf of colleagues unable to attend meeting: Fanao Kong and Weiqian Wu,, Ray Hefferlin

Vibration Frequency Forecasts for Transition-Metal Diatomic Molecules using Neural-Networks and Least Squares, Ray Hefferlin

Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting and Research on Accounting Ethics, and a Database of the Articles, Julie Hyde

Kaleidoscope, Donald Keefe

The Bodley-Bullock House, Lexington, KY. Two-person exhibition, Donald Keefe and Zach Stein

Driving an Agile Peg in a CMMI Hole, Timothy Korson

Selecting and Executing the Most Critical Test Cases, Timothy Korson

Use Cases: Systematically Elaborating Requirements to Test Cases, Timothy Korson

2010-Faculty Exchange Program to UAP, Dana Krause

Presidential Award for excellence in Community Service., Dana Krause

Ellen White Underfire: Identifying the Mistakes of Her Critics, Judson Lake

Pennsylvania Conference, three Sermons, Judson Lake

When Dad Texts, Kendra Lee

Spirituality in the workplace., F K. Marsh, Michael E. Cafferky, S M. King, and G Roberts

A Biblical Balance Between Christian Unity and Ethnic Diversity, Carlos Martin

A Biblical Balance Between Christian Unity and Ethnic Diversity, Carlos Martin

A Culture of Evangelism at Southern Adventist University, Carlos Martin

Biblical and Organizational Models for Contextualization among Muslims, Carlos Martin

Contextualization and Syncretism: Developing Acceptable Missionary Strategies., Carlos Martin

Teologia de la Mision: Una Perspectiva Adventista [Theology of Mission: An Adventist Perspective], Carlos Martin

Digital archives, Kathryn L. McGrath

Making Peace With Google, Kathryn L. McGrath

The Reference Rap, Kathryn L. McGrath

Using the Library to Lighten Your Load. Oakwood University, Kathryn L. McGrath

Love, Kirsten: The True Story of the Student Missionary Who Gave Her All, Andy Nash

Theme: True Adventist Education: The Relevance of Adventist Education in the Christian's Bid to Prevent Worldly Influences in this Dispensation, Pierre Nzokizwa

Use It or Lose It: Post Study Abroad Challenges in Proficiency Preservation and Enhancement, Pierre Nzokizwa and Adrienne Royo

Migration, trade, FDI: Complementary or substitutes?, Braam Oberholster

All You Ever Wanted to Know but Were Too Afraid to Ask. Cultural Differences, Ethnic Diversity & Racism, Carlos Parra

Back on Campus: Assessment of Study Abroad Programs, Carlos Parra

Cross Cultural Training for Health Care Providers, Carlos Parra

Cultural Differences, Ethnic Diversity & Racism, Carlos Parra

Desevangelizacion y descoloniaje en America Latina: La utopia de Pedro Casaldaliga, Carlos Parra

Displacement and Invalidation: Shaping and "illegal" Identity for Latinos at Home, Carlos Parra

Identity and Forgetting, Carlos Parra

Crossroads of Peril and Promise, Elaine Plemons

Educause Conference for Technology and Higher Education, Elaine Plemons

Reviewer, Elaine Plemons

Seminar Convener, Elaine Plemons

Genesis 1-2 in the Teaching of Jesus and the Apostles, Edwin Reynolds

Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 20, Edwin Reynolds

'Let No One Judge You': Colossians 2:16-17 in Exegetical Perspective, Edwin Reynolds

Review of Ranko Stefanovic, Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Edwin Reynolds

Review of Ranko Stefanovic, Revelation of Jesus Christ: Commentary on the Book of Revelation, Edwin Reynolds

What Is the Unpardonable Sin?, Edwin Reynolds

Who Are the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11?, Edwin Reynolds

5-day cooking school - Interpreter, Adrienne Royo

Civilización y barbarie, Adrienne Royo

English 101-Biblically Speaking, Adrienne Royo

¿Eres una zanahoria, un huevo, o unos granos de café roma?, Adrienne Royo

La familia, Adrienne Royo

Principios literarios, Adrienne Royo

Simultaneous interpreter, English to Spanish, for the 59th General Conference Session of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Adrienne Royo

Southern Singles Teach the Bible, Adrienne Royo

Spanish and Spanish American Literary History, Adrienne Royo

Teaching Resources for Spanish Instruction, Adrienne Royo

Using Backward Design for Planning Standards-Based Instruction, Adrienne Royo

Adventist Newslin, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline #1, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline #2, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline #3, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline #4, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline #5, Stephen Ruf

Adventist Newsline #7, Stephen Ruf