Southern Columns 3rd Quarter 1983
Southern College
Features the article "Industrial Education . . . Preparing for Work in a Practical World". Many graduates will have a ruJ awakening when they go looking a work," the January 24, 1983, issue! U.S. News and World Report informing its readers. The writer blamed a "slowly expanding economy that is not providing many new jobs, eve: in scientific fields."
Southern Columns 4th Quarter 1983
Southern College
Features an article on alumni weekend. Alumni Homecoming on the weekend of October 8-10 brought to the campus of Southern College several hundred of its former students.
Southern Columns Special Supplement 1983
Southern College
Feature the article "Heresy or Heresay". Because you knew what the name-caller knew and counted on—NAMES DO HARM.
Southern Columns 3rd Quarter 1982
Southern College
Features an article on the creation vs. evolution and what the staff at southern think on this subject.
Southern Columns 4th Quarter 1982
Southern College
Features the article "Work on the Humanities Building Progresses Steadily".
SMC Southern Columns 1st Quarter 1982
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "What's in a Name?" The character of a person or an institution determines the quality of the name given. Someone has asked, "What does Southern College say or mean?"
SMC Southern Columns 2nd Quarter 1981
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Tribute to the Stanford Ulmers". Sanford Ulmer his belated degree from Southern Missionary College. Mr. Ulmer, now with this diploma and degree you can start life all over again.
SMC Southern Columns 4th Quarter 1981
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SMC's Nursing Students Excel". The results from the 1981 State Board Examinations have been received by the nursing division of Southern Missionary College. The passing rate of SMC students was 92 percent, 12 percent higher than the national average, which Chris Perkins, head of the nursing division, considers "excellent."
SMC Southern Columns Spring 1981
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Joseph A. Tucker Dies At 94". Joseph Arlington Tucker, a dominant figure in Seventh-day Adventist education in the South for more than half a century, died February 11, 1981.
SMC Southern Columns Fall 1980
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "750 Alumni Attend Homecoming". Over 750 alumni and their families enjoyed the formal pro- grams, the fellowship, and the SMC and Collegedale church-hosted hospitality over the Annual Alumni Homecoming, October 24-26
SMC Southern Columns Spring 1980
Southern Missionary College
Features the article ""Committee of 100" Adds to PE Center". The Committee of 100 tor Southern Missionary College at its recent meeting in Collegedale voted another new project tor the campus.
SMC Southern Columns Summer 1980
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SDA Business Executives Challenge SMC Alumni To Give". Larry Richardson will present "An Evening with James Wnite" as the Saturday night program during Alumni Homecoming Weekend at Southern Missionary College, October 24-26..
SMC Southern Columns Fall 1979
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Read Has Art Show". Billy Mack Read, well-known Southern artist, had a one-man show at Southern Missionary College during the annual Alumni Homecoming weekend, October 18-21.
SMC Southern Columns Spring 1979
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Trustees Of SMC OK Record Budget". The Board of Trustees of Southern Missionary College in Collegedale voted a record-high academic budget, granted graduate study leaves for several faculty members and conferred emeritus status on two retired professors at Its recent annual meeting.
SMC Southern Columns Summer 1979
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SMC Begins Fine Arts Complex". Southern Missionary College will begin construction In early fall of a Fine Arts Complex at an estimated cost of $3.3 million.
SMC Southern Columns Spring 1978
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SPIRALING COSTS AND ADVENTIST EDUCATION". The inflationary spiral continues in the American economy, affecting prices and wages. Where, when, or how it will end, very few, if any know, not even the economists.
SMC Southern Columns Summer 1978
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Hefferlin Leaves for the USSR". The American Academy of Sciences has nominated Dr. Ray Hefferlin, professor of Physics at SMC, to participate in a one-year scientific exchange visit under a treaty agreement with the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
SMC Southern Columns Fall 1977
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Medical Missionary Work in Nicaragua". Where the road ends in the Nicaraguan village of Francia Sirpi, the work of the Southern Missionary college medical mission to the Miskito Indians begins.
SMC Southern Columns Spring 1977
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SMC Board Votes to Keep Present Name". In a vote of 16-9 the Board of Trustees decided last week to keep the name "Southern Missionary College" for the present time.
SMC Southern Columns Summer 1977
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Collegedale Medical Complex — and More". For many years there has been talk in Collegedale of a medical center. This idea has been voiced not only in the community but also by the college and the church. Reference is made by Ellen C. White in her counsel that our schools and medical institutions should be located together to impress upon the youth the importance of health work and the "right arm" of the message.
SMC Southern Columns Winter 1977
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "WINTER DOMINATES THE SOUTH". "It's mighty chilly for a Florida boy," sputters Terry Hall, a senior English/Communication major from Orlando, puffing clouds of moisture into the frozen air.
SMC Southern Columns 06-1976
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SMC Mourns Three Leaders". Dr. Lynn Harper Wood, twice president of Southern Missionary College, died recently in Loma Linda, California. Services were held in Loma Linda and were officiated by Dr. A Graham Maxwell, Elder Roy Allan Anderson and Elder lames M. Mershon. His body was interred at Montecito Memorial Park, in Loma Linda.
SMC Southern Columns 09-1976
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Largest Enrollment Ever at SMC". The enrollment at SMC for the new school year has now passed 1776 students, according to Kenneth Spears, director of admissions and records.
Columns is the official magazine of Southern Adventist University, produced by Marketing and University Relations to provide information to alumni and other friends.
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