SMC Alumni Bulletin 12-1961
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Your Alumni Project". The face lifting of the campus of your alma mater is definitely under way. The construction crew is putting the final touches to the lovely new girls' dormitory, which is the second of the beautiful and durable structures that will go into creating the "new look" of our campus.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 03-1960
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "The Time to Plant". Centuries before the birth of Christ, Solomon was concerned particularly with the values of his time. He wrote, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted." Solomon wrote not only for his own time but for us now. There is always a time for action—a time when the optimum may be achieved by forthright attack.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 08-1960
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "To Whom Much Is Given". There is in old saying, "From him to whom much is given, much is expected." Through the years that have passed since the establishment of Southern Missionary College, much has been given to scores of Christian young people who now constitute its alumni. To you have been entrusted the keys of this institution in the sense that what you have received here you must pass on to others. If you fail in this assignment as a body, this institution will soon be compelled to close its doors.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 11-1960
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "An Outstanding Occasion". From the opening meeting of the I960 Alumni Homecoming on Friday evening, October 14, until the final scene of the pageant, "Through the Years with SMC," everyone present seemed to enjoy himself thoroughly. Over one hundred from points outside the Collegedale area were present, from as far east as South Lancaster, Massachusetts; as far north as Bangor, Michigan; as far west as Vincennes, Indiana; and as far south as Maitland, Florida.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 03-1959
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "YOUR SMC". When the last school account is paid and that coveted piece of parchment placed in one's nervous grasp, one is tempted to feel that the last mutual obligations are now discharged. We have all long; since realized the fallacy of such a notion, or have we.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 08-1959
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Homecoming Extraordinary". SMC homecoming is extraordinary this year because it combines this event with Founders' Day, that day forty- three years ago when the founding fathers of SMC found their way to this campus and, by great faith and even greater efforts, made the beginning which has now produced an institution serving nearly a thousand of the Adventist youth from the first to the sixteenth grade, and which is now valued at two and a half million dollars.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 11-1959
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "What Is Your Life?". Life as we know and experience it takes precedence over every other consideration. The apostle James asked: "What is you life?" Every successful Christian must give a satisfactory answer to this question.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 03-1958
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "A Challenge . . ." A YOUNG minister had just settled in his first pastorate in Philadelphia, when he was visited one evening by one of the laymen of the church. The man said to him: "You do not seem to be a strong preacher. In the usual order of things you will fail here, but a little group of us have agreed to gather every Sunday morning to pray for you.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 08-1958
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "A Message From Our New College President". To a young and progressive college such as Southern Missionary College, where progress is tradition, the accomplishments of past years serve only as stimulants to greater attainment. To carry on to even greater heights this traditional progress is the continuous challenge I accept as I assume the presidency of Southern Missionary College,
SMC Alumni Bulletin 11-1958
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Let's Face the Facts". In spite of a record 3,250,000 enrollment in America's colleges, or, per- haps, because of it —colleges are going through a difficult time financially. And the prospect of having about double the present college population by 1970 only serves to accentuate the current jitters of those who are planning the future of the American college student.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 03-1957
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Come on Down to Collegedale". MEMORiES are inestimable treasures. "God VI gave us our memories so that we might have roses in December. " We wish to have you call the rosy memories which you possess of fe on the Southern Missionary College campus back in "the good old days." Today amidst ;ie same familiar surroundings which you now many future memories are now being made by eager youth who have taken your place. You would enjoy knowing them.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 08-1957
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "A NEW SMC". To EACH alumnus and former student, we wish to extend a cordial invitation to visit SMC this coming school year. Students and faculty change, new buildings are erected, yet It is still your college. You will he interested in the new twentyw.ir plan for campus improvement; which will include new dormitories, .1 church, an auditorium, a home economics-cafeteria-student union building, and an elementary school. This overall plan by architects was approved by the college board two months ago.
SMC Alumni Bulletin 11-1957
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "The Finest Philanthropy". CAN money buy happiness? No, of course not, but an American humorist replied to the question that if he had the money he would have a lot of fun shopping for it.
SMC Alumni News Bulletin 11-1956
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "CHAPTER ORGANIZATION". TT IS the heartfelt conviction of every graduate of either Southern Missionary or Southern Junior College that Jesus is coming soon. Whether you are in the organized work or not, I am sure that conviction has never left you nor ever can. It should be the burden of each alumnus to hasten the day when our Saviour will conclude His work for a dying world.
S.M.C. Collegedale Alumni Association News Bulletin 12-1955
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SMC Remembers Her Own". GREETINGS to the alumni of SMC. Perhaps J I know none of you personally, but day by day your college becomes dearer to me, and e heritage which you've left to posterity on is campus is constantly fore us.
S.M.C. Collegedale Alumni Association News Bulletin 12-1954
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "COLLEGEDALE Medical Center". A new medical center is built in Collegedale, TN.
S.M.C. Collegedale Alumni Association News Bulletin 12-1953
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "Southern Missionary College Shows Academic Progress". I am glad to report to the alumni of Southern Missionary College that our expansion and development continues, not alone in the building of better physical facilities, but in the expansion of our curricula, in the improvement f our course offerings, and in the raising of ur scholastic requirements.
S.M.C. Collegedale Alumni Association News Bulletin 12-1952
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "29 Alumni Enter Mission Work". Twenty-nine SMC tour-year graduates and faculty or staff members have entered foreign mission service since 19-t6, according to a survey made by Leif Kr. Tobiassen, chairman of the faculty Committee on Publications and Public Relations
S.M.C. Special Alumni News Bulletin Spring 1952
Southern Missionary College
Features articles on the new music building being built, the finances of Southern Mission College, and more.
The Collegedale Alumnus 03-1951
Southern Missionary College
Features the article "SMC Receives Accreditation". Your editor requested me to call to your attention the recent accreditation of Southern Missionary College. I feel certain you have already learned that the Southern Association of Colleges granted us membership on December 7, 1950, at the Richmond, Virginia, meeting. Naturally, we rejoice at this mile- stone and especially so when we realize full accreditation has not In any way affected the fundamental principles of the School of Standards.
Columns is the official magazine of Southern Adventist University, produced by Marketing and University Relations to provide information to alumni and other friends.
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