Faculty Works | School of Business | Southern Adventist University
This collection includes works by faculty of the School of Business at Southern Adventist University.


Submissions from 2019


Witnessing At Work When It's Taboo to Talk About Religion, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2018


Editor’s Perspective: The fusion of religion and business, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2017


Editor’s Perspective: The sacredness of the marketplace, Michael E. Cafferky


Editor’s Perspective: The time value of morality, Michael E. Cafferky

Estimating Retail Breakeven Using Markup Pricing, Michael E. Cafferky


Redemption, Michael E. Cafferky

Inpatient Hospital Experience: Do Hospitalists Make a Difference?, Josue Patien Epane, Luceta McRoy, Zo Ramamonjiarivelo, Ferhat Zengul, and Robert J. Weech-Maldonado

Country of Birth and Variations in Asthma and Wheezing Prevalence, and Emergency Department Utilization in Children: A NHANES Study, Luceta McRoy, Zo Ramamonjiarivelo, Josue Epané, Makia Powers, Junjun Xu, Robert Weech-Maldonado, and George Rust

Factors Associated with Asthma ED Visit Rates among Medicaid-enrolled Children&58; A Structural Equation Modeling Approach, Luceta McRoy, George Rust, and Junjun Xu

The Privatizations of Public Hospitals and the Provision of High-Technology Health Services, Zo Ramamonjiarivelo, Ferhat Zengul, Josué Patien Epané, Larry R. Hearld, and Luceta McRoy

Submissions from 2016


Apologetics Without Apology: Arguments for the Existence of God from Business & Economics, Michael E. Cafferky


Editor’s Perspective: Saturating minds and hearts with Scripture, Michael E. Cafferky


Hiring Disabled Workers: Bringing the Whole Community Into the Workforce, Michael E. Cafferky


Scriptural foundations for academic disciplines: A biblical theme approach, Michael E. Cafferky


Bridging the gap between religion and business: A conversation, Michael E. Cafferky and Doug Jacobs

The effects of direct-to-consumer advertising on medication use among Medicaid children with asthma, Luceta McRoy, Robert Weech-Maldonado, W. David Bradford, Nir Menachemi, Michael Morrisey, and Meredith Kilgore

Counties eliminating racial disparities in colorectal cancer mortality, George Rust, Shun Zhang, Zhongyuan Yu, Lee Caplan, Turgay Ayer, Luceta McRoy, and Robert S. Levine

Submissions from 2015


Sabbath: The Theological Roots of Sustainable Development, Michael E. Cafferky


Business Ethics in Biblical Perspective: A Comprehensive Introduction, Michael E. Cafferky


Keeping Sabbath During the Week, Michael E. Cafferky


Sabbath: The Theological Roots of Sustainable Development, Michael E. Cafferky

The Impact of Privatization on Efficiency and Productivity: The Case of American Public Hospitals, Zo Harivololona Ramamonjiarivelo, Luceta McRoy, Joseu Patien Epané, Larry R. Hearld, and Robert Weech-Maldonado

Paths to health equity: Local area variation in progress toward eliminating breast cancer mortality disparities, 1990‐2009, George Rust, Shun Zhang, Khusdeep Malhotra, Luceta McRoy, Leroy Reese, Peter Baltrus, Lee Caplan, and Robert S. Levine

Potential savings from increasing adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in Medicaid-enrolled children, George Rust, Shun Zhang, Luceta McRoy, and Maria Pisu

Submissions from 2014


Teaching the Gospel from Agency Theory in the Bible, Michael E. Cafferky


The Study of Religion in Graduate Degree Programs: Opportunities and Structural Issues, Michael E. Cafferky


The Ethical-Religious Framework for Shalom, Michael E. Cafferky

Geographic and racial variation in asthma prevalence and emergency department use among Medicaid-enrolled children in 14 southern states, Khusdeep Malhotra, Peter Baltrus, Shun Zhang, Luceta McRoy, Lilly Cheng Immergluck, and George Rust

The relationship between direct to consumer advertising (DTCA) and asthma-related emergency department use among Medicaid-enrolled children, Luceta McRoy, Robert Weech-Maldonado, and Meredith Kilgore

Privatization of Public Hospitals and its Impact on Community Orientation, Zo Harivololona Ramamonjiarivelo, Larry R. Hearld, Josué Patien Epané, Luceta McRoy, and Robert Weech-Maldonado

Submissions from 2013


On Becoming a Prophet, Michael E. Cafferky


Toward a Biblical Theology of Efficiency, Michael E. Cafferky

Presentation of Dissertation: Material Weaknesses in Internal Control over Compliance for Federal Grants to U.S. Counties, Julie Hyde

Submissions from 2012


"Why do we have to learn this stuff?" Revising or developing a course using essential questions, Michael E. Cafferky


Biblical kingship: Model for contemporary business leaders., Michael E. Cafferky


Book Review of Sunday, Sabbath, and the Weekend: Managing Time in a Global Culture, Michael E. Cafferky


Honor the King. Yes, But Emulate the King?, Michael E. Cafferky


Sabbath & management, theology & application, Michael E. Cafferky

Characteristics of Auditors Reporting Material Weaknesses in Internal Control over Compliance for Federal Grants, Julie Hyde

Determinants of Material Weaknesses in Internal Control over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133 for U.S. Counties, Julie Hyde

The effects of direct to consumer advertising on healthcare utilization among Medicaid children with asthma, Luceta McRoy

Submissions from 2011


Career in the marketplace: Is it appropriate for a Christian?, Michael E. Cafferky


Exploring the Fundamental Paradox of Being an Organizational Leader, Michael E. Cafferky


Leading in the face of conflicting expectations: Caring for the needs of individuals and of the organization, Michael E. Cafferky

Management: A Faith-Based Perspective, Michael E. Cafferky

Management: A faith-based perspective - The story of this book, Michael E. Cafferky


Sensible, Prudent & Shrewd: Building Blocks for a Theology of Efficiency, Michael E. Cafferky


Material Weaknesses in Internal Control over Compliance for Federal Grants to U.S. Counties, Julie Hyde

Presentation of Dissertation: Material Weaknesses in Internal Control over Compliance for Federal Grants to U.S. Counties, Julie Hyde

Submissions from 2010


Innovation in the early church: Strengthening the thesis, Michael E. Cafferky

Break Even Analysis, Michael E. Cafferky and Jon Wentworth

Men and differences by racial/ethnic group in self advocacy during the medical encounter, Luceta McRoy, Keith T. Elder, Jacqueline C. Wiltshire, Dayna Campbell, Lisa C. Gary, and Monika Safford

Submissions from 2009


All for One & One for All: Understanding servant leadership, Michael E. Cafferky


Business and the Good Shepherd, Michael E. Cafferky

The Process of Faith Integration in the Development of a First-edition Principles of Management Textbook, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2008


Change and the Adventist Church, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2007


Celebrating paradoxes in Christian leadership, Michael E. Cafferky


Religious Beliefs and Models of Faith Integration at Work, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2005


Book Review of Solomon, Lewis D. (2004). Evangelical Christian Executives: A new model for business corporations, in Journal of Biblical Integration in Business. 2005 Fall., Michael E. Cafferky


Managing Word of Mouth for Organizational Success, Michael E. Cafferky


Teaching Strategic Environmental Analysis Using Numbers 13 & 14: The first 2X2 Strategy Matrix in Scripture?, Michael E. Cafferky


The Porter Five-forces Industry Analysis Framework For Religious Nonprofits: A conceptual analysis, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2004


Integration Through Narrative, Michael E. Cafferky

Managing Word Of Mouth For Leadership Success: Connecting Healthcare Strategy And Reputation, Michael E. Cafferky


Why I Teach at an Adventist School, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2001


Left Behind: The Case Study, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 1997

Managed Care & You: A Consumer's Guide to Managing Your Healthcare, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 1995

Let Your Customers Do the Talking: 301 + Word-Of-Mouth Marketing Tactics Guaranteed to Boost Profits, Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 1994

Patients Build Your Practice : Word Of Mouth Marketing for Healthcare Practitioners, Michael E. Cafferky