Submissions from 2014
Molecular Taxonomy, Ray Hefferlin
Refereeing of article PP-0814-275, Ray Hefferlin
Vibration frequencies for spectra of triatomic molecules in interstellar space, Ray Hefferlin
Differential protein expression during limb regeneration of Anolis carolinensis, Victor Hong, Victoria Ahles, Adrian Sarli, Matthew Green, and Benjamin J. Thornton
Teaching Introductory Accounting, Julie Hyde
General Conference Auditing Service North America Area Seminar, Mark Hyder
Professional ethics update for 2014, Mark Hyder
Understanding financial statements, controls and budget process, Mark Hyder
How 2 B Gen Y/Z Pass, Barbara James
Innovations in Engaging Learners with Technology in the 21st Century, Barbara James and Ronda Christman
Altertumliche und moderne Kriege, Martin Klingbeil
Book of Psalms, Martin Klingbeil
Children I have Raised and Brought up (Isaiah 1:2) Female Metaphors for God in Isaiah and the Iconography of the Syro-Palestinian Goddess Asherah, Martin Klingbeil
Exclusivism versus Inclusivism: Citizenship in the Pentateuch and its Metaphorical Usage in Ephesians, Martin Klingbeil
The Iconography of the Syro-Palestinian Goddess Asherah, Martin Klingbeil
Articles in The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia, Judson Lake
Ellen White and Inspiration, Judson Lake
Ellen White and the Bible, Judson Lake
Ellen White's Prophetic Ministry, Judson Lake
Recipient of Lily Fund grant to attend writing seminar at Collegeville Institute, Kendra Lee
Retweet, Repost, Reply All, Kendra Lee
It's Worth the Sacrifice, Valerie A. Lee
Cerca Esta el Fin del Mundo [The End of the World is at Hand], Carlos Martin
Church Growth in Acts of the Apostles, Carlos Martin
Contextualizacion en la Mision Adventista [Contextualization in Adventist Missions], Carlos Martin
ERC Evangelistic Series, Carlos Martin
Estrategias para el Crecimiento de Iglesia en las Grandes Ciudades [Strategies for Church Growth in Large Cities]., Carlos Martin
Eventos Finales 2014 [Last-Day Events 2014], Carlos Martin
Iglecrecimiento en un Contexto Urbano [Church Growth in an Urban Context], Carlos Martin
Integration of my Faith with my Running Leading to Qualification for the Boston Marathon, Carlos Martin
La Predicacion Evangelisica en un Contexto Urbano [Evangelistic Preaching in an Urban Context]., Carlos Martin
Last Day Events: A Reader, Carlos Martin
Missions in Our Backyard: Evangelism Among Newly Arrived Hispanics to the United States., Carlos Martin
Predicacion Evangelistica en Centros Urbanos [Evangelistic Preaching in an Urban Setting], Carlos Martin
Preparacion para los Eventos Finales [Preparation for the Last-Day Events], Carlos Martin
The Religions of the World from the Perspective of a Christian Witness., Carlos Martin
The Science of Soul Winning: Basic Strategies, Carlos Martin
7 Correlates of Effective Schools, John W. McCoy, Ed.D.
Instructional Leadership: It Isn't Just for Administrators Anymore, John W. McCoy, Ed.D.
Music and Art Instruction: Promotion of Religion and Values or Just an Added Value to Higher Education?, John W. McCoy, Ed.D.
iPads in the classroom, Kathryn L. McGrath and Margaret Seifert
Poisons, Toxungens, and Venoms: Redefining and Classifying Toxic Biological Secretions and the Organisms That Employ Them, David R. Nelsen, Zia Nisani, Allen M. Cooper, Gerad A. Fox, Eric C.K. Gren, Aaron G. Corbit, and William K. Hayes
A Journey to Excellence through Science., W. Rick Norskov M.D.
I am tired of language learning. I want language acquisition., Pierre Nzokizwa
The lost elderly Burundians: old resettled refugees in the U.S. confronted with an impossible choice, Pierre Nzokizwa
Inhibition of the Thioesterase Activity of Human Fatty Acid Synthase by 1,4- and 9,10-Diones, Herman H. Odens, Todd Lowther, Steven Kridel, Laura Watts, Lauren Filipponi, and Jeffrey Schmitt
Novel synthesis of 6,7-bis(alkylthio- or alkylamino substituted)quinoline-5,8-dione via nucleophilic addition/oxidation of alkylthio and alkylamino derivatives to quinoline-5,8-dione, Herman H. Odens, Candace N. Olusola, and Trevor S. Silva
Harvest Strategies: Reflections on Current Research in Effective Prework Methods, Alan Parker, Ph.D.
A Glance at Identity (Trans/Con) Formation among Latino /Hispanic Communities in North America, Carlos Parra
Aliens in CARs and Citizens of PPP: The Exemption of U.S. Private Prisons for Profit and their State of Exception, Carlos Parra
El imaginario colonial y la realidad indigena en Yawar Fiesta de J. M. Arguedas Acercamiento al imaginario del mundo indigena, Carlos Parra
Fear of Self: Choosing with Purpose, Carlos Parra
Imaginario colonial y realidad indigena en Yawar Fiesta de J. M. Arguedas, Carlos Parra
Linguistic, Ethnic, and Religious Minorities Today: Current Global Challenges, Carlos Parra
Non-Authorized Immigrant Subjects as Demons of the South: The Role of a Non-Validity Status, Carlos Parra
Students Living Abroad and Back: Global Citizens Now?, Carlos Parra
Center for Teaching Excellence and Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning Summer Institute for Curriculum Design/Redesign, Elaine Plemons
Center for Teaching Excellence and Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning Summer Institute for Curriculum Design/Redesign, Elaine Plemons
Implication Wheel Online Software Training, Group Process Facilitator for Discovering and mapping the Implications of Change, Elaine Plemons
Introduction to Moodle-MRj2000, Elaine Plemons
New Professor Orientation, Elaine Plemons
Reviewer, Elaine Plemons
Reviewer, Elaine Plemons
Working with the Ecological, Futures, and Global (EFG) Curriculum Collaborative, Elaine Plemons
It Even Smells Like Tia, Elizabeth Pontvik
Indigenous Communities: Representation, Isolation, and Dependency in Yawar Fiesta and Flutes of Death, J. Prabhakara Rao, A. Krishna Feldman, A. S. Philominraj, C. Parra, K. Srinivasacharya, and R. Ranjan
Deception, Satan's Last., Edwin Reynolds
Fulfilling the Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Edwin Reynolds
Plagues, Seven Last, Edwin Reynolds
Resurrection, Edwin Reynolds
Wicked, Fate of the, Edwin Reynolds
A Culture, A Nation, A People - Understanding of a Culture Through Icons and Symbols, Adrienne Royo
A House for Sale, Adrienne Royo
Evangelistic Series, Adrienne Royo
Faculty Focus Group Member, Adrienne Royo
Iconic Definition of a Culture, Adrienne Royo
Pura vida, Adrienne Royo
Christ Our Model in Prayer and Spirituality, Philip Samaan
Christ's Approach as a Model to Teachers and Pastors, Philip Samaan
Christ the Master Teacher and Master Pastor, Philip Samaan
Dare to Be a Daniel--Empowering the Final Remnant., Philip Samaan
Elijah's Message of Restoration: Marriage, Family, and Church, Philip Samaan
Empowering Church Elders for Ministry, Philip Samaan
Literal Israel and the Secret Rapture, Philip Samaan
Recipients of the D. Glenn Hilts Scholarship for 2014-2015, Jessica Spears
Utilizing an Embedded Librarian Service to Build Information Literacy, Jessica Spears
The effects of ascorbic adicd on Drosophila susceptibility to permethrin and supression of cytochrome P450 activity., Brianna Taylor, Naomi Jackson, Aaron G. Corbit, and Benjamin Thornton
The effects of ascorbic adicd on Drosophila susceptibility to permethrin and supression of cytochrome P450 activity., Brianna Taylor, Naomi Jackson, Aaron G. Corbit, and Benjamin J. Thornton
Incorporating the Thinking Process, Benjamin J. Thornton
God as Artist, Doug Tilstra
Leadership Training for New Managers, Doug Tilstra
Peter: A Narrative of Transformation, Doug Tilstra
The God Who Sees His Daughters: Reconsidering Some Commonly Quoted Scriptures and Concepts, Doug Tilstra
Beyond the Rx: How to motivate your patients to adopt healthy lifestyles., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.
Coaching lasting lifestyle change., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.
Health promotion health coaching in FCN practice., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.
Natural remedies for fighting colds and flu., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.
The 3 questions that lead to change: What to ask yourself to ignite a transformation, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.