Achieve is a database supported by Academic Administration for storing and viewing Southern Adventist University faculty projects, publications, and presentations. For questions or comments, please contact Academic Administration. Items in this repository are citation only. Select materials are posted in full-text in the corresponding department's Faculty Works community.


Submissions from 2015

'I will be Satisfied with Seeing your Likeness' (Ps 17:15 NIV) - Between Metaphor and Icon: Relating the Literal to the Literary Image, Martin Klingbeil

Jeremiah, Martin Klingbeil

Job, Martin Klingbeil

Lecture 1: Discovering King David: Excavating a 10th century B.C. Judaea Fortress Lecture 2: Excavating Ancient Wars at Tel Lachish I: The Assyrian Destruction of 701 B.C.Lecture 3: Excavating Ancient Wars at Tel Lachish II: The Babylonian Destruction of 586 B.C., Martin Klingbeil

Seals and Sealings in the Ancient Near East, Kedma Village, Israel, Martin Klingbeil

Wer ist der Herr der Tiere Eine hermeneutische Problemanzeige., Martin Klingbeil

Quantifying Measurement Error in Digital Instruments, William B. Laing III and Sean Bryant

Quantifying Measurement Error in Digital Instruments American Association of Physics, William B. Laing III and Sean Bryant

The Physics of Human Performance: An IDEAL Lab, William B. Laing III and Harold Mayer

Ellen G. White and Her Writings: The American Civil War, Judson Lake

Ellen G. White, National Fast Days, and Emancipation, Judson Lake

Ellen White Criticisms and D.M. Canright, Judson Lake

Ellen White's Use of Extrabiblical Sources, Judson Lake

Ellen White's Use of Extrabiblical Sources, Judson Lake

Benefits of Becoming a Frequent Flyer, Faith A. Laughlin

The Effect of Caffeine on the dry mass of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) 17 days post germination, Eunjee Lee and Benjamin J. Thornton PhD

The Effect of Caffeine on the dry mass of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) 17 days post germination, Eunjee Lee and Benjamin J. Thornton PhD

A Very Young Peacekeeper, Kendra Lee

Unit 1 Overview Introduction, Valerie A. Lee

El Pastor como Motivador y Capacitador para Capitalizar el Potencial Evangelistico de una Iglesia [The Pastor as Motivator and Enabler to Maximize the Evangelistic Potential of a Church]., Carlos Martin

Encuentros con Jesus [Encounters with Jesus]., Carlos Martin

ERC Evangelistic Series, Carlos Martin

Esperanza para los Dias Finales: Un Examen de los Eventos de los Ultimos Dias [Hope for the End-Times: A Review of the Last-Day Events, Carlos Martin

Evangelismo para Todos [Evangelism for Everyone]., Carlos Martin

Evangelismo Urbano pasra el Siglo 21 [Urban Evangelism for the 21st Century]., Carlos Martin

Fly High: Motivation for Excellence., Carlos Martin

Ministerio como Responsabilidad de Todos los Creyentes [Ministry as the Responsibility of All Believers], Carlos Martin

Plantacion de Iglesias: Estrategia Clave para Iglecrecimiento Urbano [Church Planting: Key Strategy for Urban Church Growth], Carlos Martin

Poder para Todos [Power for Everyone]., Carlos Martin

Sexual Orientation: A Pastoral Approach, Carlos Martin

Testificacion para Todos [Witnessing for Everyone], Carlos Martin

The Pastor as Motivator: How to Mobilize Church Members in Effective Evangelism., Carlos Martin

The Science of Soul Winning: Advanced Approaches, Carlos Martin

Una Teologia Biblica de la Mision: Fundamento para Misiones Adventistas [A Biblical Theology of Mission: Foundation for Adventist Missions], Carlos Martin

Venid y Adoremos: Evangelismo y Adoracion [O Come Let Us Adore Him: Evangelism and Worship], Carlos Martin

Anticipation: A phenomenological investigation of a Maned Wolf keeper talk, Daniel Maxwell

The research lifecycle as strategic roadmap, Daniel Maxwell

Instructional Leadership, Studies on Education, John W. McCoy, Ed.D.

Solving Taphonomic Jigsaw Puzzles: Insight Into the Complex Depositional History Of a Lance Formation (Maastrichtian) Dinosaur Bonebed, M. A. McLain, A V. Chadwick, L. Brand, and David R. Nelsen

William Faulkner's Dilsey, Robert Penn Warren's Manty, and Race Politics., Dennis Negron

Poke but don't pinch: risk assessment and venom metering in the western black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus, David R. Nelsen, W. Kelln, and William K. Hayes

Poisons, toxungens, and venoms: redefining and classifying toxic biological secretions and the organisms that employ them., David R. Nelsen, Zia Nisani, Allen M. Cooper, Gerad A. Fox, Eric C.K. Gren, Aaron G. Corbit, and William K. Hayes

Redemption in Genesis: The Crossroads of Faith and Reason, John Nixon

A Review of Practice and Policies on Mental Health Needs or Refugees in the United States: The Example of Burundian Refugees., Pierre Nzokizwa

How Far will our money go?, Braam Oberholster

Purpose of Work, Braam Oberholster

Reversing the rainbow effect: Finding synergy in the multicultural workplace., Braam Oberholster

Using Business as Mission, Braam Oberholster

Using Business as Mission., Braam Oberholster

Missionary Expatriates, Braam Oberholster and C. Doss

Changing Church Culture: Challenges and Strategies, Alan Parker, Ph.D.

Back to the Future: Critical Reflection and Effective Practice, Elaine Plemons

Board Member, Elaine Plemons

Coordinator, Elaine Plemons

Ideas for Flipping Your Classroom, Elaine Plemons

New Professor Orientation, Elaine Plemons

Summer Institute for Curriculum Design/Redesign, Elaine Plemons

The Development of a Higher Education Biblical Foundation Course Design Model., Elaine Plemons M.A.

Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Teacher's Edition, Edwin Reynolds

2015 Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Adrienne Royo

CIEE Conference Attendance, Adrienne Royo

Historia de España e Hispanoamérica - La perspectiva literaria, Adrienne Royo

Languages - A Means of Sharing the Gospel, Adrienne Royo

Languages - A Pathway to Global and Celestial Citizenship, Adrienne Royo

The Culture-Driven Classroom - A How-To Guide, Adrienne Royo

GC Session ANN Day 2, July 3, 2015, Stephen Ruf

GC Session ANN Day 3, July 4, 2015, Stephen Ruf

GC Session ANN, Day 4, July 5, 2015, Stephen Ruf

GC Session ANN Day 5, July 6, 2015, Stephen Ruf

GC Session ANN Day 6, July 8, 2015, Stephen Ruf

GC Session ANN Day 8, July 9, 2015, Stephen Ruf

GC Session Day 1, Stephen Ruf

GC Session Day 9, Stephen Ruf

Video Full Episode, Stephen Ruf

The Lachish Jar Sherd: An Early Alphabetic Inscription Discovered in 2014, Benjamin Sass, Yosef Garfinkel, Michael G. Hasel, and Martin Klingbeil

The Journal publications of the CBFA., Sara E. Saunders, Kevin Brown, Y Smith, and Michael E. Cafferky

Bytes and bits: Southern Adventist University-McKee Library, Jessica Spears

Setting, character, action: Well-Told business and Biblical narrative, Verlyne Starr, M.A.

Servant Leadership: What It Is and Is Not and Why It Matters; Servant Leadership: Stepping Up to the Challenges but Not Stepping On People, Doug Tilstra

Identification of Proline-rich Protein Genes in Common Wildflowers of Southeastern Tennessee, Timothy D. Trott

RESTORED!, Barry Tryon and Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Coaching lasting lifestyle change, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Coaching lifestyle change., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Communication and collaboration., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Health promotion, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Lifestyle coaching in faith community nursing practice., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

The effect of group lifestyle coaching in low-income diabetic patients, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Understanding lifestyle change., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Crude Business: North Sea Petrochemical Narratives, Linda Tym

Memory Studies and Education, Linda Tym

No Man is An Island: Instability, Isolation, and the Postmodern Christian, Linda Tym

No Man Is An Island: Instability, Isolation, and the Postmodern Christian, Linda Tym

Biblical worldview and the business curriculum: The Scriptural Foundations for Business series, B Wrenn and Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2014

Engaging the Entire Classroom: The Socrative Student Response System, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D.

Mental hooks: Creative techniques to enhance retention of key concepts in organic chemistry, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D.

Thumbs up, thumbs down: Predicting electrocyclic reaction stereochemistry, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D.

Animal Ethics, Stephen Bauer

Environment, Stephen Bauer

Teaching Them to Disobey: An Investigation of How James Rachels Attacks the Foundations of Christian Ethics Based on the Theory of Evolution., Stephen Bauer

Shifting Writing Instruction to Honor the NAD Standards for Language Arts, Krystal Bishop