Achieve is a database supported by Academic Administration for storing and viewing Southern Adventist University faculty projects, publications, and presentations. For questions or comments, please contact Academic Administration. Items in this repository are citation only. Select materials are posted in full-text in the corresponding department's Faculty Works community.


Submissions from 2015

Lifestyle coaching in faith community nursing practice., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

The effect of group lifestyle coaching in low-income diabetic patients, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Understanding lifestyle change., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Crude Business: North Sea Petrochemical Narratives, Linda Tym

Memory Studies and Education, Linda Tym

No Man is An Island: Instability, Isolation, and the Postmodern Christian, Linda Tym

No Man Is An Island: Instability, Isolation, and the Postmodern Christian, Linda Tym

Biblical worldview and the business curriculum: The Scriptural Foundations for Business series, B Wrenn and Michael E. Cafferky

Submissions from 2014

Engaging the Entire Classroom: The Socrative Student Response System, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D.

Mental hooks: Creative techniques to enhance retention of key concepts in organic chemistry, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D.

Thumbs up, thumbs down: Predicting electrocyclic reaction stereochemistry, Loren A. Barnhurst Ph.D.

Animal Ethics, Stephen Bauer

Environment, Stephen Bauer

Teaching Them to Disobey: An Investigation of How James Rachels Attacks the Foundations of Christian Ethics Based on the Theory of Evolution., Stephen Bauer

Shifting Writing Instruction to Honor the NAD Standards for Language Arts, Krystal Bishop

Teaching Language Arts Using the New North American Division Standards, Krystal Bishop

You Are My Son: God as Father in Psalms and Ancient Near Eastern Iconography, Guilherme Brasil de Souza and Martin Klingbeil

KnowledgeExchange@Southern, Deyse Bravo-Rivera

Using an Institutional Repository as a Platform for Digital Archives and Research., Deyse Bravo-Rivera

College Algebra: A Comparison of Traditional and Computer Aided Approaches, Kevin Brown and Patricia Anderson

Ancient Religious Wisdom on the Optimist Creed: What it Means to Talk Health, Happiness and Prosperity to Every Person You Meet,, Michael E. Cafferky

Appointed to the endowed chair: The Ruth McKee Chair for Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics, Michael E. Cafferky

Are Religion-affiliated nonprofit organizations more effective?, Michael E. Cafferky

A thematic framework for ethics process and content., Michael E. Cafferky

Being Adventist in business: Is there a distinct difference?, Michael E. Cafferky

Biblical foundation for administration and finance, Michael E. Cafferky

Biblical foundation for leadership., Michael E. Cafferky

Business ethics in biblical perspective: A thematic framework or ethics process and content, Michael E. Cafferky

Guest appearance on 3ABN Today television show presenting and discussing the Scriptural Foundations for Business monograph series., Michael E. Cafferky

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall: Using children's words to teach management,, Michael E. Cafferky

Management: A Faith-based Perspective Blog., Michael E. Cafferky

Motivating employees: Biblical record contemporary research, Michael E. Cafferky

Pursue Prosperity!, Michael E. Cafferky

Reviewer: Completed a double-blind peer review of four papers submitted for consideration for the Academy of management, Michael E. Cafferky

Reviewer: Completed a double-blind peer review of two chapters submitted for consideration in the book Teaching Ethics Across the Management Curriculum: A handbook for international faculty, Michael E. Cafferky

Reviewer: Completed a double-blind review of an article submitted to the Journal of Biblical Integration in Business,, Michael E. Cafferky

Reviewer: Double-blind peer review of three papers, Michael E. Cafferky

Teaching the gospel from agency theory in the Bible, Michael E. Cafferky

The Bible on commerce and management., Michael E. Cafferky

The ethical foundation for prosperity: Contemporary views vs the biblical view., Michael E. Cafferky

The ethical-religious framework for shalom, Michael E. Cafferky

The study of religion in graduate degree programs: Opportunities and structural issues, Michael E. Cafferky

Word-of-mouth Marketing, Michael E. Cafferky

Breakeven analysis: The definitive guide to cost-volume-profit analysis, Michael E. Cafferky and Jon Wentworth

Technological Literacy: Why Is It Important., Ray Carson

Cumulative Area under a Cycloid versus the Area of Its Rolling Circle, Kenneth E. Caviness

Cyclogons, Kenneth E. Caviness

Generating the Surreal Numbers, Kenneth E. Caviness

Three Ways to Solve Domino Grids,, Kenneth E. Caviness

Making the Three Areas Defined by Congruent Overlapping Circles Equal, Kenneth E. Caviness and Eugene Stewart

Hirano's Construction of a Regular Pentagon from The Wolfram Demonstrations Project., Kenneth E. Caviness and S. Eugene Stewart

eClass Overview: How to Navigate Your Online Class, Ronda Christman

eClass Overview: See Behind the Scenes, Ronda Christman

You Have Heard About the Flipped Classroom: Now Come Hear How Ronda is Flipping a Nursing Class, Ronda Christman

RN-BSN Student Perceptions of an Ideal Face-to-Face Class., Ronda Christman and Barbara James

Students Perceptions of Content Delivery in Nursing Education in the BSN-Completion Program, Ronda Christman and Barbara James

Describing the benefits of an intergenerational faith-based service program, Ronda Christman and Shannon M. Trecartin

Quantifying Stupidity: Factors associated with legitimate venomous snakebites in Southern California, Aaron G. Corbit

Technology Software Processes at Khirbet Qeiyafa, Michael Dant

Geoffrey Treasure, The Huguenots, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Gilbert Burnet's Contested History, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Ill-formed passions, candor and evenness, and superficial writers': Gilbert Burnet and the Historians of the English Reformation, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

My Prophetic-Historical Imagination, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Teaching Adventist History, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Teaching Denominational History: A Study of Seventh-day Adventist Data, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

The Forgotten Legacy of 1844 and Trusting God, Washing Feet, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

The Poor Who are Cast Out, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D.

Tolerance and Coexistance in Early Modern Spain: Old Christians and Moriscos in the Campo de Calatraval, Lisa Clark Diller, Ph.D. and Trevor J. Dadson

Developing a site-wide reference tree-ring chronology on the biology trail system of Southern Adventist University: How the past informs the future of our forests., Brenden Dodd, Jorge Magana, Brenton Campbell, Michael Chung, Seth L. Daly Stennis, Melissa You, Benjamin J. Thornton PhD, and Henri Gressino-Mayer

Faculty Showcase presentation on formative assessment in higher education, Bonnie Eder

A longitudinal look at the theory base used in AECT conference proceedings., Peggy Flint

Integrating Technology in the Classroom., Peggy Flint

iPad Apps for the Classroom., Peggy Flint

The 5Cs of the connected classroom., Peggy Flint

Appendix 3: Area D - List of Loci and Locus Descriptions, Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, and Michael G. Hasel

Architecture and Stratigraphy, Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, and Michael G. Hasel

Chapter 1: The 2009-2013 Excavations, Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, and Michael G. Hasel

Chapter 8: Area D, Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, and Michael G. Hasel

Chapter 8: The Olive Press Installation, Yosef Garfinkel, Saar Ganor, and Michael G. Hasel

The Fourth Expedition to Lachish Lecture Series: The Lachish Project, Yosef Garfinkel, Michael G. Hasel, and Martin Klingbeil

Article for the Journal of Adventist Education, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.

Center for Teaching Excellence and Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning Summer Institute for Curriculum Design/Redesign, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.

Center for Teaching Excellence and Biblical Foundations of Faith and Learning Summer Institute for Curriculum Design/Redesign, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.

External Reviewer, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.

New Professor Orientation, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.

New Professor Orientation, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.

Dalton State College 5th Annual Teaching and Learning Conference at Dalton State College, Dalton, GA., Cynthia Gettys, Ph.D.

Invitee to the International Conference on the Bible and Science, Cynthia Gettys, Ph.D.

Southern Regional Faculty and Instructional Development Consortium, Cynthia Gettys, Ph.D.

Consulting Director, Executive Producer, Visual Effects Supervisor, Old Fashioned, upcoming February theatrical release., Zach Gray

Nothing Does Not Exist, Zach Gray

A Brief Family History of Chemistry, Brent Hamstra, Ph.D.

180 technical plans, sections, and artifact illustrations, and in William G. Dever, Excavations at the Early Bronze Sites of Jebel Qaaqir and Beer Resisim, Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Friendly Fire: Teaching Art from a Christian Perspective, Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Biographical Sketch of Gerhard F. Hasel, Michael G. Hasel

The Fourth Expedition to Lachish: History and Overview., Michael G. Hasel

The Intersection Between Archaeology, the Bible, and Faith, Michael G. Hasel

Area D - Square Supervisors' Reports, Michael G. Hasel and Clemente Perez Garcia

Do Triatomic Molecules Echo Atomic Periodicity?, Ray Hefferlin

Introduction to 7th Grade Unit on Earth and Space Science, Ray Hefferlin