Knowledge Exchange - Campus Research Month: David as Poet in Psalms

Presenter Information

Jessica NephewFollow

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Mentor/Supervising Professor Name

Michael Hasel


This presentation is about King David, this presentation will go into detail about David's rise to King, David's journeys and struggles, but especially David as Poet. This presentation will discuss many of David's labels but will go into depth about his poetry. The poetry that will be most noted is the poetry within the Psalms.


Apr 15th, 9:30 AM Apr 15th, 10:45 AM

David as Poet in Psalms

This presentation is about King David, this presentation will go into detail about David's rise to King, David's journeys and struggles, but especially David as Poet. This presentation will discuss many of David's labels but will go into depth about his poetry. The poetry that will be most noted is the poetry within the Psalms.