Isolation of Arabidopsis thaliana plants homozygous for an insertional inactivation mutation within atPRP4.

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Mentor/Supervising Professor Name

Trott, Tim


The AtPRP4 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana has been shown to function in several specific parts of the plant’s cell wall. It is shown to be expressed in the seeds, radicles, roots, leaves, inflorescences, and embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana. They have been suggested to function in determining cell-type-specific wall structure during the development of a plant as well as contributing to defense reactions against physical damage to the plant and pathogen infection within the plant. In this study, a simple DNA prep will be performed on the true leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. PCR reactions will be performed for AtPRP4F/4R, AtPRP4F/Lba1, and AtPRP4F/4R/Lba1 primer combinations. The PCR products will be analyzed on 1% (w/v) agarose gels in TAE, visualized by ethidium bromide staining, and imaged with a UVP EC3 imaging system. We expect to identify homozygous plants for this mutation. This work will help develop a tool that will grant us the ability to examine the function of AtPRP4 inside specific cell walls as well as uncover any potential phenotypes associated with the loss of this protein found in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Apr 21st, 9:30 AM Apr 21st, 10:45 AM

Isolation of Arabidopsis thaliana plants homozygous for an insertional inactivation mutation within atPRP4.

The AtPRP4 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana has been shown to function in several specific parts of the plant’s cell wall. It is shown to be expressed in the seeds, radicles, roots, leaves, inflorescences, and embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana. They have been suggested to function in determining cell-type-specific wall structure during the development of a plant as well as contributing to defense reactions against physical damage to the plant and pathogen infection within the plant. In this study, a simple DNA prep will be performed on the true leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. PCR reactions will be performed for AtPRP4F/4R, AtPRP4F/Lba1, and AtPRP4F/4R/Lba1 primer combinations. The PCR products will be analyzed on 1% (w/v) agarose gels in TAE, visualized by ethidium bromide staining, and imaged with a UVP EC3 imaging system. We expect to identify homozygous plants for this mutation. This work will help develop a tool that will grant us the ability to examine the function of AtPRP4 inside specific cell walls as well as uncover any potential phenotypes associated with the loss of this protein found in Arabidopsis thaliana.