Technology Use in Young Adults and Levels of Anxiety, Depression, and Social Interactions
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Mentor/Supervising Professor Name
Williams, Ruth
This presentation will go over the impact of technology usage on social interactions, anxiety, depression, and isolation in young adults. The data for this research will be collected in a survey form to get information on this topic. The purpose of this study is to provide more knowledge on how technology usage can affect young adults, especially now that we have been in a global pandemic. This research could benefit future researchers who are interested in how technology usage can affect someone.
Technology Use in Young Adults and Levels of Anxiety, Depression, and Social Interactions
This presentation will go over the impact of technology usage on social interactions, anxiety, depression, and isolation in young adults. The data for this research will be collected in a survey form to get information on this topic. The purpose of this study is to provide more knowledge on how technology usage can affect young adults, especially now that we have been in a global pandemic. This research could benefit future researchers who are interested in how technology usage can affect someone.