Phosphorous NMR on a 60MHz Spectrometer
Presentation Type
Poster Presentation
Mentor/Supervising Professor Name
Menzmer, Mitch
My poster will document my semester long research project focused on developing a method to run P-31 (phosphorous 31). This project will include instrumentation optimization, software modernization, and comparisons to known spectra of compounds. After this project is successful, the chemistry department will be able to analyze phosphorus containing compounds created by other research students and department members.
Phosphorous NMR on a 60MHz Spectrometer
On Campus
My poster will document my semester long research project focused on developing a method to run P-31 (phosphorous 31). This project will include instrumentation optimization, software modernization, and comparisons to known spectra of compounds. After this project is successful, the chemistry department will be able to analyze phosphorus containing compounds created by other research students and department members.