Social Outlet for Performing Artists

Presenter Information

David OhFollow

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Mentor/Supervising Professor Name

Ordóñez, Robert

Presentation Location

On Campus


Performing artists have a hard time getting connected with people of differing genres and experience levels. Since the performing arts industry is dictated through networking, we will address the barrier of the struggle of creating an online community with like-minded performing artists by connecting these artists to a social media outlet that focuses on their art and talent. We have built a site for networking with other talent that you normally would not have access to, using React JS, which is an open source front-end Javascript library to create UI/UX components for web applications and more.

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Apr 20th, 2:00 PM Apr 20th, 3:15 PM

Social Outlet for Performing Artists

On Campus

Performing artists have a hard time getting connected with people of differing genres and experience levels. Since the performing arts industry is dictated through networking, we will address the barrier of the struggle of creating an online community with like-minded performing artists by connecting these artists to a social media outlet that focuses on their art and talent. We have built a site for networking with other talent that you normally would not have access to, using React JS, which is an open source front-end Javascript library to create UI/UX components for web applications and more.