Knowledge Exchange - Campus Research Month: Web Repository of Southern’s Research Projects

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Mentor/Supervising Professor Name

Alferez, Harvey


A research repository was created so that Southern Adventist University has a central place for all past, current, and future research projects. This repository is a web application created with the use of the Yii framework that utilizes PHP and SQL. The repository has a user-friendly interface to let authorized users upload the information about their projects. Also, professors and students from different departments can see the list of projects per department.


Apr 20th, 2:00 PM Apr 20th, 3:15 PM

Web Repository of Southern’s Research Projects

On Campus

A research repository was created so that Southern Adventist University has a central place for all past, current, and future research projects. This repository is a web application created with the use of the Yii framework that utilizes PHP and SQL. The repository has a user-friendly interface to let authorized users upload the information about their projects. Also, professors and students from different departments can see the list of projects per department.