Knowledge Exchange - Campus Research Month: The Relationship Between Test-Anxiety, Test Performance, Metacognitive Beliefs and Self-Esteem in College Students

Presenter Information

Amie ShelleyFollow

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Mentor/Supervising Professor Name

Wilder, Tron


Test anxiety and low self-esteem could affect the validity of certain academic examinations especially if it limits students from performing successfully. There is a need to ensure that students, whose future is often tied to academic success, are adequately educated and assisted in understanding the many layers of internal and external influence that can be in effect. This research will be based on the following question: How are metacognitive beliefs and self-esteem related to test anxiety and academic performance? Essentially, the research is focused on better understanding the tenuous relationship observed from previous research between test-anxiety and academic performance by analyzing the possible mediating effects of metacognitive beliefs and self-esteem. This research will aid in contributing more information and insight to the existing literature on test anxiety and test performance and the mediating variables between the two. As the research expands on this topic more scientifically-based coping strategies can be taught and utilized by students suffering from this form of anxiety.


Apr 20th, 2:00 PM Apr 20th, 3:15 PM

The Relationship Between Test-Anxiety, Test Performance, Metacognitive Beliefs and Self-Esteem in College Students

On Campus

Test anxiety and low self-esteem could affect the validity of certain academic examinations especially if it limits students from performing successfully. There is a need to ensure that students, whose future is often tied to academic success, are adequately educated and assisted in understanding the many layers of internal and external influence that can be in effect. This research will be based on the following question: How are metacognitive beliefs and self-esteem related to test anxiety and academic performance? Essentially, the research is focused on better understanding the tenuous relationship observed from previous research between test-anxiety and academic performance by analyzing the possible mediating effects of metacognitive beliefs and self-esteem. This research will aid in contributing more information and insight to the existing literature on test anxiety and test performance and the mediating variables between the two. As the research expands on this topic more scientifically-based coping strategies can be taught and utilized by students suffering from this form of anxiety.