Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for Suggesting Software Architecture Patterns from Requirements

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Mentor/Supervising Professor Name

Alférez, Harvey

Presentation Location

On Campus


This project explores the possibility of integrating generative artificial intelligence to assist software architects in deciding which architecture patterns to choose based on a list of requirements. The presentation will briefly explain the overall architecture of the project, the accuracy of our results, and practical applications of our solution.

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Apr 18th, 8:00 AM Apr 18th, 9:30 AM

Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for Suggesting Software Architecture Patterns from Requirements

On Campus

This project explores the possibility of integrating generative artificial intelligence to assist software architects in deciding which architecture patterns to choose based on a list of requirements. The presentation will briefly explain the overall architecture of the project, the accuracy of our results, and practical applications of our solution.