Mechanistic Study of Formation of Alkenyl Cations from 3-cyclopenten-1-ol in H2SO4

Presenter Information

Sarah YoonFollow

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Mentor/Supervising Professor Name

Menzmer, Mitch

Presentation Location

On Campus


This research aims to establish the allylic cations that are formed in reaction of 3-cyclopenten-1-ol in sulfuric acid, and their mechanism of formation. The effects of different concentrations of sulfuric acid in the reaction will also be examined.

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Apr 18th, 2:00 PM Apr 18th, 3:15 PM

Mechanistic Study of Formation of Alkenyl Cations from 3-cyclopenten-1-ol in H2SO4

On Campus

This research aims to establish the allylic cations that are formed in reaction of 3-cyclopenten-1-ol in sulfuric acid, and their mechanism of formation. The effects of different concentrations of sulfuric acid in the reaction will also be examined.