Faculty Works | School of Nursing | Southern Adventist University
This collection includes works by faculty of the School of Nursing at Southern Adventist University.


Submissions from 2024

Impact and Insights Gained from Emergency Preparedness IPE Simulation, Gary Bradley, Faith Laughlin, Ronda Christman, and Laura Racovita

Reaching Across Campus to Collaborate with Colleagues in an Emergency Preparedness Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (EP-IPCP) Simulation, Ronda Christman and Gary Bradley

The Importance of Health and Socialization While Engaging with our Communities and Students, Ronda Christman, Bev Mayfield, and Marcelle Angall-Leonce

Do Nurse Spiritual Responses to Trauma Explain Nurse Outcomes?: A Correlational Observational Study, Michael Jordan


Evaluation of a Workshop to Improve Professional Transitions Among Nursing Students and Nurses, Andrew Richards


Connecting with the Counselors: Innovative Approaches to Enhance the Recruitment of Male Students in Secondary Schools, Andrew Richards and Stephanie Gedzyk-Nieman

Submissions from 2023

A Better Way to Educate for Disaster Preparedness, Gary Bradley, Ronda Christman, and Faith Laughlin

Association of Intergenerational Interactions on Emotional Wellbeing, Ronda Christman, Bev Mayfield, Rachel Loukota, and Marcelle Angall-Leonce

Providing Vulnerable Communities a Recipe for the Abundant Life, Joy Kauffman and Ronda Christman


Embracing the Struggle - Strategies to Improve Physical Activity for Exhausted Nurses, Andrew Richards

Engaging & Receiving Feedback from Learners in the University Classroom, Andrew Richards


School Counselor Perceptions and Practices Advising Male High School Students Regarding a Career in Nursing, Andrew Richards and Stephanie Gedzyk-Nieman

The Great Escape: A Trilogy of Escape Rooms to Engage & Educate Nursing Students, Andrew Richards, Jaclynn Huse, and Christina Shrode

Submissions from 2022

How Spirituality Intersects with Civic Engagement Following and Emergency Preparedness Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Simulation, Gary Bradley, Ronda Christman, Liane DeSouza, Beckie Retzer, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, and Faith Laughlin

Be Bold: Practice Just Culture, Ronda Christman and Barbara James

Creating positive teams using Clifton Strengths, Ronda Christman, Gus Martin, Beth Scott, Jill Buchholz, Deanna Walker, and Polina Kadatska

Empowering and Equipping Students to Nurture their Personal Devotional Time, Ronda Christman, Beth Scott Dr., Gary Bradley, Dionne Felix, and Andrew Richards

SNAP To It! New Graduates Transition to the Real World of Nursing, Elen D’Errico, Robert Harrity, and Ronda Christman

From Dreams to Legacy: How Chris Ramsey‘s Community Service Activity Turned into a Legacy., Farron Kilburn, Ronda Christman, and Michelle Youngblood

Bold Promotion of Health Stewardship., Bev Mayfield, Marcelle Angall-Leonce, and Ronda Christman

Professional Transitions: Preparing for Change, Andrew Richards

University Research Students’ Perceptions of Activities of Daily Living and Spirituality, Andrew Richards, Ronda Christman, Beth Scott, and Gary Bradley

University students' perceptions of activities of daily living & spirituality, Andrew Richards, Ronda Christman, Elizabeth Scott, Gary Bradley, and Dionne Felix

University Students’ Screen Time has Increased Since COVID-19., Beth Scott, Ronda Christman, Gary Bradley, and Andrew Richards

Boldly Using Technology to Achieve Educational Objectives, Beth Scott, David Levy, and Ronda Christman

Submissions from 2021

Leadership training creating healthy work environments by enhancing knowledge regarding CliftonStrengths and Emotional Intelligence., Ronda Christman, Cynthia Gettys, Robert Overstreet, Laura Racovita, Polina Kadatska, Lucas Patterson, and Michael Weismeyer

Wisdom Learned from an IPE Disaster Simulation, Ronda Christman, Cynthia Gettys, Beth Scott, Gary Bradley, and Laura Racovita-Szilagyi

Finding Balance and Purpose in a Co-created Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Emergency Preparedness Simulation., Ronda Christman, Cynthia Gettys, Beth Scott, Laura Racovita, Gary Bradley, Beckie Retzer, and Rachel Williams-Smith

Collaborations to Serve the Health-challenged in our Community., Ronda Christman, Farrron Kilburn, Michelle Youngblood, and Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.


Nursing Pathway Project: Finding Solutions to the Underrepresentation of Men in Nursing, Cristan Sabio, Steven J. Palazzo, Andrew J. Richards, Thomas Rossini, Vernon M. Langford, and Julian L. Gallegos

Submissions from 2020

Co-creation of an Emergency Preparedness Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Simulation, Beth Scott Dr., Ronda Christman, Gary Bradley, Liane DeSouza, Rebecca Retzer, Laura Racovita, and Cynthia Gettys Ph.D.

Submissions from 2019


360 Degree Virtual Reality Increases Student’s Confidence in Clinical Skills in Simulation, Ronda Christman, Barbara James, and Kerry Allen

Submissions from 2017

Clergy training for effective response to intimate partner violence disclosure: Immediate and long-term benefits, D. R. Drumm, J. Thayer, L. L. Cooper, S. Mayer, T. Foster, H. Gadd, and K. Brayak

Submissions from 2016


Moral Distress: Cowardly Lion to Courageous Action, Frances Johnson 2362973


Student's Assistance and Contribution to their Community after participating in an Emergency Prepardeness Inter-Professional Collaborative Practice Simulation, Elizabeth Scott, Ronda Chrstman, Sonia Wrate, Rebecca Retzer, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, Cynthia Gettys, and Brooks Kirschmann

Submissions from 2014


The Effect of a Group Lifestyle Coaching Model on HbA1c and Psychosocial Constructs in Low-Income Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.