Achieve is a database supported by Academic Administration for storing and viewing Southern Adventist University faculty projects, publications, and presentations. For questions or comments, please contact Academic Administration. Items in this repository are citation only. Select materials are posted in full-text in the corresponding department's Faculty Works community.


Submissions from 2018

Comparison of antibiotic effect between Hydrastis canadensis xtract and the alkaloid Berberine, Timothy D. Trott

Beyond the prescription: Improving patient outcomes through lifestyle coaching., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Biblical concepts of restoration as a foundation for lifestyle change, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Building a healthy brain: Emerging perspectives on resilience., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Filling the lifestyle prescription: Best practices for coaching lasting lifestyle change., Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Student perception of Biblical worldview and personal/professional impact of the SAU Higher Education Biblical Foundation Course Design Model, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P.

Student Perception of Biblical Worldview and Personal/Professional Impact of the SAU Higher Education Biblical Foundation Course Design Model, Lillian Tryon, D.N.P. and Ronda Christman

Memory and Identity, Linda Tym

Perilous Boundaries: Affective Experience in Three Scottish Women Writers' Short Fiction, Linda Tym

Submissions from 2017

Transforming Adventist Nursing Education: Theory to Practice, Linetti Boshers, Brenda Spurbeck, Ronda Christman, and Laura Racovita-Szilagyi

"Hybridity-Instructor/Mentor/Peer (?)", The Urgent Artist: A Collaborative Classroom, Marc Boyson

Empowering online students through library services, Deyse Bravo, Sonja Fordham, Jessica Spears, and Tammy Overstreet

Does Grading Homework Improve Student Performance?, Kevin Brown

Transforming Adventist Nursing Education: Theory to Practice, Jill Buchholz and Ronda Christman

Die Geschichte der Astronomie verdeutlicht die Grenzen der Wissenschaft (Astronomical history reveals the borders of science), Kenneth E. Caviness

The Biblical Basis of Science, Kenneth E. Caviness

True Science: How the naturalistic and Biblical worldviews affect how we do science, Kenneth E. Caviness

Euclid`s Formula and Properties of Pythagorean Triples from The Wolfram Demonstration Project., Kenneth E. Caviness and Lewis R. Caviness

Adults Perceptions of Health and Happiness, Ronda Christman

Improve Learning by Engaging Students, Ronda Christman; Maureen Baksh-Griffin; Sonia Wrate; E J. Scott; Laura Racovita-Szilagyi; Faith Laughlin; Cynthia Gettys, Ph.D.; and Brooks Kirschmann

Student Nurse Assistive Program: A Pre-Licensure Transition to Practice Strategy, Ronda Christman and E. Errico

Adventist Human Subjects Research Association, Ronda Christman, G. Hopkins, and Rene Drumm

Improve Learning by Engaging Students, Ronda Christman, Callie McArthur, Sonia Wrate, and Laura Racovita-Szilagyi

Multi patient collaborative practice simulation: Results demonstrate students confidence in their ability to provide care, Ronda Christman, Callie McArthur, Sonia Wrate, and Laura Racovita-Szilagyi

Multi patient collaborative practice simulation: Results demonstrate students confidence in their ability to provide care, Ronda Christman, Callie McArthur, Sonia Wrate, and Laura Racovita-Szilagyi

Students Perceptions of Collegiality, Ronda Christman, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, B James, Callie McArthur, Sonia Wrate, Joelle Wolf, Christina Shrode, Christy Showalter, Jill Buchholz, Kerry Allen, and Michael Liedke

Multipatient interprofessional collaborative practice simulation: Students perceptions of collegiality, Ronda Christman, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, B R. James, Callie McArthur, Sonia Wrate, Joelle Wolf, Christina Shrode, Christy Showalter, Jill Buchholz, Kerry Allen, and Michael Liedke

Nursing Students Self-care Activities and Social Media Time Consumption at Transitions, Transformations and Outcomes, Ronda Christman, E J. Scott, E. Muriu, and R. Mitchell

New Horizons in Aging: Advances in Research and Practice, Ronda Christman and S. M. Trecartin

Students preparedness and self-care to assist in a classroom disaster after participating in an emergency preparedness inter-professional collaborative practice simulation., Ronda Christman, Sonia K. Wrate, Beth Scott, Richard Retzer, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, Maureen Baksh-Griffin, Faith Laughlin, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D., and Brooks Kurschmann

Students Perceptions on their Preparedness Level and Contribution to their Community After participating in an Emergency Preparedness Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Mass Casualty Simulation, Ronda Christman, Sonia Wrate, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, Faith A. Laughlin, Maureen Baksh-Griffin, E. J. Scott, and Rebecca Retzer

Emergency Preparedness Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Simulation: Students' Perceptions of Understanding and Contribution to their Community, Ronda Christman; Sonia Wrate; Rebecca Retzer; E. J. Scott; Laura Racovita-Szilagyi; Maureen Baksh-Griffin; Faith A. Laughlin; Cynthia Gettys, Ph.D.; and Brooks Kirschmann

The effect of long- and short-distance translocation on the movement patterns of Red Diamond Rattlesnakes (Crotalus ruber) in conflict with human residential development, Aaron G. Corbit and William K. Hayes

Student Nurse Assistive Program: A Pre-Licensure Transition to Practice Strategy, E. D'Errico and Ronda Christman

Transforming Adventist Nursing Education: Theory to Practice, E. Errico and Ronda Christman

A walk in the woods: Purposeful collaboration through video conferencing and online technologies., Peggy Flint

Best Practices for Teaching Online., Peggy Flint

Creating Space for Learning: Virtual and Augmented Reality, 3D Printing and Drones, Peggy Flint

Instructional Design from a Biblical Foundation, Peggy Flint

Interactive engagement using nearpod, Peggy Flint

Socoh of the Judean Shephelah: The 2010 Survey, Yosef Garfinkel, Shifra Weiss, and Michael G. Hasel

Running the gauntlet to change lecture halls to active learning halls., Cynthia Gettys Ph.D. and Elaine Plemons

Using a biblical model of professional development to transform teaching practices, Cynthia Gettys Ph.D. and Elaine Plemons

Art and the Reformation. A paper presented at the Reformation After 500 Years: Just a Misunderstanding?, Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Art as Artillery: Martin Luther and the Reformation., Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Art as Artillery: The Counter-Reformation., Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Art as Artillery: The Visual Battle Between the Reformers and the Counter-Reformation., Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Art in Service of Truth., Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Book cover for Socoh of the Judean Shephelah: The 2010 Survey, Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

Teaching Art History from a Biblical Foundation: Art History as a View into the Great Controversy, Giselle Sarli Hasel, M.F.A.

A Bibliography of the Writings of Gerhard Franz Hasel., Michael G. Hasel

A More Sure Word of Prophecy, Michael G. Hasel

Biblical Archaeology or Near Eastern Archaeology, Michael G. Hasel

David and Solomon's Legacy: The Fourth Expedition to Lachish, 2013-2017, Michael G. Hasel

Gerhard Franz Hasel: Life Sketch 1935-1994, Michael G. Hasel

History, Egyptology and the Bible, Michael G. Hasel

History, Prophecy, and the Uniqueness of the Bible., Michael G. Hasel

Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon and the Quest for Power., Michael G. Hasel

People of the Bible in Archaeology, Michael G. Hasel

Recent Developments in the Papal Counter-Reformation, Michael G. Hasel

Socoh of the Judean Shephelah: The 2010 Survey, Michael G. Hasel

The Bible, History and Archaeology: A, Interdisciplinary Perspective., Michael G. Hasel

The Counter-Reformation, Part I and II, Michael G. Hasel

The Historical Jesus: Insights from Archaeology and Texts, Michael G. Hasel

The New Roman Empire, Michael G. Hasel

The Protest Continues, Michael G. Hasel

The Revolutionary Protest, Michael G. Hasel

What is the Sea Beast (Rev 13) Doing Today?, Michael G. Hasel

Why Archaeology, How Does it Work, and Its Limitations, Michael G. Hasel

Why Historical Matters Matter to Faith, Michael G. Hasel

The Legacy of David and Solomon: A Report on the Lachish 2017 Season, Michael G. Hasel, Ph.D.

Interfang Distances of Rattlesnakes: Sexual, Interspecific, and Body Size-related Variation, and Implications for Snakebite Research and Management, William K. Hayes, Aaron G. Corbit, Michael D. Cardwell, and Shelton S. Herbert

How I Flipped My Classroom and Why I am Sticking With It, Adam Heck

Seventh-day Adventist clergy: Understanding stressors and coping mechanisms, Annette Heck, Rene Drumm, D. McBride, and David Sedlacek

The Impact of Human Traffic on Wildlife Abundance on a Recreational Trail System in Southeastern Tennessee, Katherine Hesler and Aaron G. Corbit

10th Biennial SDA Business Teachers Conference, Mark Hyder

Connecting Workforce Needs to Curriculum and Pedagogy, Mark Hyder

Governmental Accounting Standards (GASB) Update, Mark Hyder

Planned Giving and Trust Services Seminar,, Mark Hyder

Tennessee Accounting Ethic, Mark Hyder

The Infusion of Just Culture into Simulation: Benefits for Safer Practice, B James and Ronda Christman

Transforming Adventist Nursing Education: Theory to Practice, B James, Ronda Christman, Kerry Allen, and Callie McArthur

Transforming Adventist Nursing Education: Theory to Practice, B James, Ronda Christman, Callie McArthur, Joelle Wolf, Sonia Wrate, Jill Buchholz, Laura Racovita-Szilagyi, Christina Shrode, Christy Showalter, Judy Dedeker, Kerry Allen, and Michael Liedke

Multi Patient Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Simulation: Student Perceptions of Team Interactions., B James, Ronda Christman, Callie McArthur, Sonia Wrate, Joelle Wolf, Christina Shrode, Christy Showalter, and Jill Buchholz

International Drawing Annual 10, Donald Keefe

Manifest Gallery: DRAWN,, Donald Keefe

Red Clay Survey, Donald Keefe

Red Clay Survey Exhibition Catalog, Donald Keefe

Review of Red Clay Survey, Donald Keefe

Utopia/Dystopia, Donald Keefe

Four Judean Bullae from the 2014 Season at Tel Lachish, Martin Klingbeil

Review of Stefan H. Walchli.Gottes Zorn in den Psalmen, Martin Klingbeil

Seals and Sealings from Tel Lachish: Impressions of Royal Power, Martin Klingbeil

: A Nation In God's Hands: Ellen White and the Civil War, Judson Lake

Attended Faith Science Conference, Faith Laughlin

Attended ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), Faith Laughlin

Viva con Esperanza (Live with Hope), Faith Laughlin

Biblical foundations of language learning, Faith A. Laughlin

NAD REACH manual workshop, Faith A. Laughlin

Viva con Esperanza (Live with Hope) Interpreter, Faith A. Laughlin